Festival of Neighborhoods canceled due to inclement weather forecast for Saturday, Sept.14

News release from the City of Asheville:

The City of Asheville has made the difficult decision to cancel the Festival of Neighborhoods, originally scheduled for Saturday, September 14.

Due to the forecast of significant rain throughout the weekend and into next week, City staff believe that the event would not provide the optimal experience for attendees or vendors. The rainy conditions could also cause damage to the MLK Park ballfield, which is a key location for the festival.

“While we were excited to host the Festival of Neighborhoods, the safety and enjoyment of our attendees and vendors are our top priorities,” said Kristina Israel with the Communication and Public Engagement Department. “We look forward to working with neighborhoods, vendors and community organizations to offer this event again in the future.”

About the Festival of Neighborhoods

Rebooted in 2023, the Festival of Neighborhoods is a yearly event hosted by the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. It brings together neighborhood organizations from across the city for a fun-filled day of community engagement, food, games and connection.

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