WNC VA Health Care system earns 5-star rating

Press release from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:

The Western North Carolina VA Health Care System proudly announced today that it has been awarded a 5-star rating by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for the second consecutive year. This accolade places Western North Carolina VA among the top-tier facilities nationwide and highlights its outstanding performance in critical areas such as patient experience, safety, and readmission rates.

In 2024, only 13% of hospitals reviewed across the nation achieved this elite 5-star status. The 5- star rating reflects Western North Carolina VA’s unwavering commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centered care to Veterans across its service area.

“The exceptional proficiency and dedication of our staff in serving Veterans is clearly demonstrated through this 5-star designation,” said Ms. Stephanie Young, Director of the Western North Carolina VA Health Care System. “This recognition reaffirms our commitment to delivering exceptional care and supporting our Veterans every day.”

The CMS star ratings, based on 47 quality measures across five critical categories—mortality, safety, readmission, patient experience, and timely and effective care—provide a comprehensive benchmark of healthcare quality. Earning a 5-star rating signifies Western North Carolina VA’s above-average performance and dedication to excellence in every facet of care.

How Do the CMS Star Ratings Work?CMS star ratings provide a clear snapshot of a healthcare facility’s performance:

4-or 5-Star Rating:Indicates above-average performance and a high standard of care.

3-Star Rating:This rating reflects good care and is consistent with most hospitals nationwide.

1-or 2-Star Rating:Suggests below-average performance but does not necessarily imply poor care.

As one of the leading VA healthcare systems in the nation, Western North Carolina VA’s 5-star rating highlights the exceptional effort required to achieve and maintain such high standards. This accolade celebrates current success while reinforcing the system’s commitment to continuous improvement and outstanding, patient-centered care.

The Western North Carolina VA Health Care System serves over 35,000 Veterans across 26 counties in Southwest Virginia, offering comprehensive care at the Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville and community-based outpatient clinics in Franklin, Hickory, and Forest City. The system provides a wide range of services, including primary care, mental health, surgical, and specialty care.

With the recent passage of the PACT Act, which expands eligibility for Veterans exposed to toxic substances, Veterans are encouraged to explore their eligibility for healthcare services. For more information on enrollment, visit The PACT Act And Your VA Benefits. Veterans Affairs or contact Western North Carolina VA’s Enrollment and Eligibility office at 828-298-7911, ext. 2509.

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