APD to realign patrol districts starting Sept. 30

From Asheville Police Department:

The Asheville Police Department will realign existing patrol districts beginning September 30th. The realignment is designed to enhance service to the Asheville community and address the evolving public safety needs of residents and visitors by optimizing the allocation of resources. These changes will impact the department’s ability to deliver public safety services citywide through improved response times. 

The City of Asheville is currently divided into three patrol districts: West Asheville, North and East Asheville, and Central & South Asheville. Due to the size and geographic scope of some districts, APD has realigned them to improve operational efficiency and reduce response times, ensuring more effective coverage across the city.

With the realignment, The City of Asheville will continue to be divided into three main patrol districts, with some key changes:

“The realignment of the Baker and Charlie patrol districts will allow us to respond more quickly and effectively to the unique challenges in each of our neighborhoods, business areas, and public housing communities,” said APD Chief Mike Lamb. “It strengthens our ability to focus resources where they’re needed most and reinforces our commitment to public safety for all residents,” said APD Chief Mike Lamb.

What are patrol districts?

Patrol districts are sections of the city that are naturally defined based upon geography, street layout, and neighborhood organization. Within each district are smaller patrol areas called beats.

Why does law enforcement utilize patrol districts and beats?

Officers are assigned to a district and a beat and respond to that same area each shift. This provides officers with the ability to be a working part of the communities to assist residents in resolving the problems that affect the quality of life in that area.

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