Nesbitt Discovery Academy named a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School

From Buncombe County Schools:

Buncombe County Schools is once again celebrating a national honor. The U.S. Department of Education has named Martin L. Nesbitt, Jr. Discovery Academy a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School.

For the first time, the school system has received the distinction in back-to-back years, with Fairview Elementary School honored as a National Blue Ribbon School in 2023. U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona announced the 2024 recipients this afternoon. Nesbitt Discovery Academy is one of only 356 schools across the country to be named a National Blue Ribbon School this year.

“We are beyond proud of the students, teachers, staff, and families who have worked together to create an incredible learning community,” said Buncombe County Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Jackson. “The rigorous, innovative, and engaging lessons that we witness in classrooms go beyond the walls of the school. From the school hosting a community STEM Day to Nesbitt students mentoring younger students to design the outdoor classroom space at Johnston Elementary, there’s much to celebrate with the staff and students at Nesbitt.”

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