State of Emergency declared in the City of Hendersonville for Tropical Storm Helene

News release from the City of Hendersonville:

Mayor Barbara Volk has declared a State of Emergency in the City of Hendersonville effective at 8:00 AM on September 26, 2024. The City of Hendersonville has issued a State of Emergency for Tropical Storm Helene to facilitate access to resources and provide assistance for rescue, shelter or evacuations should they become necessary.


WHEREAS, the National Weather Service has issued a Tropical Storm Watch/Warning for the City, beginning on September 25, 2024. Tropical Storm Helene, which is predicted to include heavy rainfall, flash flooding, significant flooding of streams/rivers, high winds and possible tornados which could result in downed trees, power outages and hazardous travel conditions for which the declaration of a state of emergency will trigger the ability to take measures to address all of the foregoing conditions as necessary; and

WHEREAS, on September 26, 2024, a state of emergency has been declared by the City of Hendersonville Mayor Barbara G. Volk to exist under N.C.G.S. § 166A-19.22, and as authorized by Hendersonville Code of Ordinances Chapter 36, Article V, Division 2, and;

WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina has vested in the City Council and, where so ordained, the Mayor the power to issue such proclamations and any subsequent proclamations that may restrict movement and other actions during declared emergencies; and

WHEREAS, I, as Mayor have adjudged it practical and expedient because of existing circumstances to declare an emergency and issue such a proclamation; and

NOW, THEREFORE, by the power vested in me by the State of North Carolina and pursuant to the City Code of Ordinances, Section 36-182, I, Barbara G. Volk, Mayor of the City of Hendersonville do hereby declare that a state of emergency is in effect and proclaim the effectiveness of emergency procedures as follows:

  1. This state of emergency is declared by the City of Hendersonville.
  2. The state of emergency shall be in effect beginning at 8:00 AM on the 26th day of September, 2024.
  3. The state of emergency covers the municipal boundaries of the City of Hendersonville, as well as all City-owned properties and facilities.
  4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to take necessary actions and expend City funds to protect City facilities and the health, safety and welfare of Hendersonville citizens.
  5. All special event permits are hereby revoked until the end of the state of emergency.
  6. The state of emergency is in effect until rescinded by the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem.
  7. The City Clerk and other persons designated by me are hereby directed to disseminate this declaration to the press and other news media and upon electronic distribution media controlled by the City of Hendersonville.

Done this 25th day of September, 2024.

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