GFE alum Josh Blake has been busy at work on his next CD (due out this spring) but, in the meantime, he has an all-too-rare show lined up at The One Stop. On Friday, Feb. 17, Josh Blake’s Jukebox takes the stage, performing reggae-tinged funk-rock. (Check out the soulful track “Sugar Mama” here, as part of the 2011 Mooged Out compilation.) Super 5 (with Tim Philpott of Sci Fi, Eric Mullis of Actual Proof, Marcus Horth of Mantras, Matt Williams of Tiny Boxes and Zansa and Sean Mason of Vertigo Jazz Project) and DJ Adam Strange open the show. 10 p.m., $5. Xpress will give away a pair of tickets to this show tomorrow (Wednesday) in the noon hour, here.
Smart bets web extra: Josh Blake’s Jukebox

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