Unexpected accessories

Hats, shoes, belts, bags: Everyone knows the drill. But sometimes it’s fun to step out of the usual accessory routine.
• Tim poses with a retro suitcase that matches his tomato-colored T-shirt. “I just like red,” he says.

• Found at the French Broad Antique Mall (794 Riverside Drive, Asheville, 225-0772): These unusual vintage-outfit toppers are one-of-a-kind. The white purse [left] features glass beading; the brightly patterned bow ties [right] can be worn as intended, or loosely dangled from a collar; the pink straw hat [below] is a 1920s throwback.

Try this on
Actress Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex and the City‘s Carrie Bradshaw) recently introduced her “Bitten” ready-to-wear line through Steve & Barry’s Stores. Here’s Parker’s manifesto, according to bittensjp.com: “It is every woman’s inalienable right to have a pulled-together, stylish, confident wardrobe with money left over to live.” To prove her point, every “Bitten” item sells for less than $20. Shop locally at Steve & Barry’s in the Biltmore Square Mall (800 Brevard Road, Asheville, 667-0778).
In the July 5 issue of Xpress, Top Drawer incorrectly listed the phone number for designer Rachel Stack. The correct contact number is 337-9844.
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