
Dress up or just slap on a mask, grab your biggest trick-or-treat bag and head out — there are entertainment options for every age and persuasion of Halloween-celebrating ghost, goblin or fairy princess. Xpress tracked down four days' worth of plays, parties, bike rides, concerts, tours, carnivals, family-friendly gatherings and adult-specific indulgences. Start noshing on […]

Playing dress up

Here it is, the eve of Hallows Eve, and you don’t have a thing to wear. But never fear, your friendly neighborhood vintage and costume shops are rife with possibilities — and not just your typical witch hats, vampire fangs and fairy wings, either. Xpress challenged some of downtown Asheville’s most alter-ego ready boutiques to […]

Ferocity, urgency, timing

"I certainly thought that would be it for the band," Ahleuchatistas frontman Shane Perlowin says matter of factly. He's referring to the loss of drummer and founding member Sean Dail last year, weeks before the band was scheduled to leave for tour. Ironically, as he talks about the band's near demise, Perlowin is preparing to […]

Junker’s Blues

I see them all the time in the record bins at the thrifts or in the dollar bins at record stores – in the '50s and '60s there was a subgenre of LPs designed as incidental music for specific activities. "Music to study by," "music for dining," music for "that special feeling" (a subgenre dominated […]