Nesting instinct

If the tag says organic, free-range, non-GMO, it’s got to be good, right? But what if that claim comes on a CD—say, Hymns for a Dark Horse by the Raleigh-based folk-pop trio Bowerbirds? After all, the nature-imbued, avian-centric song collection was crafted at the off-the-grid piece of land where the Bowerbirds’ founding members Beth Tacular […]

The important thing is the spirit

When Masaki Batoh gave his psychedelic music collective the name “Ghost,” he couldn’t have come up with a more appropriate moniker if he’d taken the 25 years of the group’s existance to consider the matter. Few bands manage to walk in so many worlds and carry along so many musical sensibilities. The traditional and the […]


Bill Thompson, owner of Satellite Gallery, deserves praise for regularly promoting solo art exhibitions in his gallery space on Broadway. Displaying one artist’s work at a time can be financially risky; typically in Asheville it’s only the noncommercial or nonprofit venues that do so. Graffiti artist Ishmael painted a gorilla directly onto the wall at […]

Junker’s Blues

When I was growing up, while other kids decided to be doctors, firemen or sports stars, I chose a different career path. At three years old, I’d tell any grownup who would listen that I was going to be a paleontologist. I was going to spend my life digging up dinosaur bones. I guess I […]


Local filmmakers TJ Wiedow and Jason Greenalch released low-budget kung fu spoof movie Golden Blade III nearly two years ago. The sound of whizzing swords has been relatively quiet since then, but Wiedow’s been working behind-the-scenes to promote the movie, and having some luck. The team went to the Charleston Film Festival in late April […]


A crowd of about 40 have come out to BoBo Gallery on this windy April evening. It is the usual eclectic scene one expects at this art gallery of a meeting place at the top of Lexington Ave. Some sip wine, others swill beer, while I snag a pint of water and duck into the […]