Train in vain

Pat Monahan, lead singer of the band Train, is a seasoned professional, both as a vocalist and as a public figure. Which is why, on the phone with Xpress, he’s able to answer questions despite the fact his tone suggests he’d rather gouge his own eye out with a spoon than do yet another interview. […]

Rock for art’s sake

Generally speaking, it’s a bad idea to judge a book by its cover. But Menomena has no problem with potential fans judging the band’s music by the cover of its CD. Based in Portland, Ore., the trio considered upwards of 30 ideas for how to package their full-length debut, I Am The Fun Blame Monster! […]

Back to basics

If you want things done right, sometimes it’s easier to do them yourself. For David Bazan, that meant dropping the Pedro the Lion moniker—under which he and a rotating cast of players had made music for more than a decade—and becoming a virtual one-man band: writing, recording and playing every instrument on his 10-song EP, […]

The devil dances

Sexuality, manipulation, passion and torture are explored in The Convent of the Devil, a production by the White Dog ProjectX, an international dance company based in Asheville. Cloistered lust: In The Convent of the Devil, the repressed sexual fantasies of a vengeful group of nuns take on a life of their own. Based on the […]

“Make it scary”

Widespread Panic is something of an anomaly in the music world. Since forming in Athens, Ga., in 1985, the group has performed more than 2,000 concerts, released nine studio albums (with a 10th slated for release in early 2008) and has consistently ranked as one of the top-grossing concert acts in the country. Yet the […]

Edgy Mama: The summer-camp scramble

“I’m scared I might be the Bill Buckner of parental organization. I’ve watched a few critical balls roll right between my legs, just like the ill-fated Boston Red Sox first baseman did in 1986. But I haven’t totally blown the World Series of parenting. At least not yet.” Xpress parenting columnist Anne Fitten Glenn takes on the big leagues of parental planning.