When songs max out around the 3-minute mark, there’s no room for fluff. That’s why Sharkmuffin packs each no-frills tune with driving guitar, barking-yet-catchy vocals and the occasional Lauper-style yelp, lest listeners begin to doubt the girls’ command over their more feminine sides. Frontwomen Tarra Thiessen and Natalie Kirch’s DIY approach to bandhood — hand-drawn titles on cassette releases and booking proposals through social media posts, for instance — pairs seamlessly with their scrappy compositions. Although Sharkmuffin’s full-length debut, Chartreuse, isn’t officially out until Friday, Aug. 7, the band brings its angsty, pop-punk catalog to Tiger Mountain on Tuesday, July 28, at 9 p.m. Weeed and Blizzard Babies open. $8 at the door. facebook.com/tigermountainthirstparlour. Photo by Alex Citrin
Smart bets: Sharkmuffin

I just wanted to say that Sharkmuffin is probably the best band name I’ve ever heard.
If it wasn’t already an actual band name, I’d add it to the growing list of press release band names we’ve been compiling in the Beats & Bites suite. So far, my favorite contributions are: People on the Move (I imagine they’re a nomadic 7-piece with lots of auxiliary percussion) and Four Slice Toaster (electro-experimental hipster trio that loves irony). Feel free to add to the list anytime.
Over in Newsville/Clubland-land we came across a band called Hot Mayonnaise. We thought that was pretty special.
I commend you for finding something positive to say about that name.