“On the cusp of his 30th birthday, Roy is contacted by a teenage girl from California claiming to be his lost brother’s biological daughter,” reads the book description of The Other Joseph by Louisiana native Skip Horack. “Yearning for connection and the prospect of family, Roy embarks on a journey across America, visiting childhood haunts in the South to confront his troubled memories and history.” Just that glimpse into the story is as chilling as it is compelling, and early reviews (from the likes of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Adam Johnson and Lauren Groff, author of Arcadia) suggest the novel lives up to its spooky promise. Horack’s book tour brings him to Malaprop’s on Friday, April 3, for a 7 p.m. reading and signing. malaprops.com. Author photo by Sylvia Horack
Smart bets: Skip Horack

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