A document of love

Nishima Kaplan‘s business began with a wedding gift she made for friends in 1998. Today, ArtKetubah enables Kaplan to support her family while making couples happy worldwide. Ancient tradition meets modern art: A design for a “ketubah” (Jewish marriage certificate) by Nishima Kaplan, who creates them in her West Asheville home for clients far and […]

Pimento cheese, please

Pimento cheese—also known as p.c., Carolina caviar and Southern paté—is a truly Southern food. Those of us who grew up here can’t imagine a church picnic, afternoon tea, political rally or lunch-counter menu without sandwiches loaded with the mixture of grated cheese, mayonnaise and sweet peppers. Southern style: The Admiral’s pimento cheese appetizer, which includes […]

Edgy Mama

If you’re one of the 150 million people on Facebook, you’ve been tagged, probably several times, over the past few weeks and asked to reveal “25 random things” about yourself. The idea is that people write 25 facts, habits or goals about themselves, then designate 25 other people to do the same. As always, I’m […]

Edgy Mama

I’m fairly crafty and enjoy big, messy kid art projects (in someone else’s house). However, for that craftiest of kid holidays, Valentine’s Day, I asked local kids’ craft expert Jean Van’t Hul for ideas. Jean’s an edgy mama of a 3-year-old girl I found through her rocking blog, www.artfulparent.wordpress.com. She ran a toddler art group […]

Getting the lead out

New lead-testing rules due to take effect Feb. 10 have local booksellers, toy retailers, crafters and even libraries struggling to understand what the regulations mean for them. Ruled out?: Leslie Hawkins, owner of Spellbound Children’s Bookshop on Wall Street in downtown Asheville, worries that new lead-testing regulations could her force her out of business. Photo […]

Edgy Mama

When my kids told me they were writing letters to President Obama during the week of the inauguration, I was intrigued. I don’t know if it’s just Asheville or this time in history, but it seems that the youngest of us have been more focused on this election and its outcome than on any other […]

Old Kentucky Homework

Six slightly scruffy boys listen as their instructor reads from Look Homeward, Angel. She stops and asks, “How is Wolfe using melodrama here?” Tentatively at first, the boys offer answers, then discuss how they use melodrama in their own writing. Janet Hurley reads to her writing students from Look Homeward, Angel. The middle-school aged group […]