Clinton will show up there tomorrow morning, according to campaign activist group
Author: Brian Postelle
Showing 442-462 of 826 results
Cell phone law e-mail a phony
An e-mail being circulated throughout North Carolina describing new legislation prohibiting cell-phone use while driving is a hoax.
Asheville City Council
“A lot of things got continued without looking ahead—that’s why we’re here tonight,” Mayor Terry Bellamy observed during the Asheville City Council’s April 22 formal session. And though her comment came late in a long meeting as part of a request that Council not let agendas get so jammed up in the future, it certainly […]
Blog Log: The week in local blogging
OK, so obsession seems an obvious topic for a group of people who post daily thoughts and observations with no hope of compensation.
Slaying the budget dragon at the Citizen’s Academy
The Police Department needs eight new officers and three drug investigators. The fire chief wants six new firefighters, and the public works department needs new trucks. And everyone needs new secretaries. There’s only $600,000 to work with, and that’s not the only problem: City Council doesn’t support a tax increase, a pro-law-enforcement group called Citizens […]
Orange Peel in Rolling Stone’s top five
“Since it reopened five years ago, Bob Dylan and Smashing Pumpkins (who picked the spot for their nine-show reunion run last year) have gone out of the way to play the Peel—drawn by Asheville’s bohemian vibe and attentive crowds.” That’s what Rolling Stone has to say about Asheville’s own The Orange Peel Social Aid & […]
Welling up
On April 11, state Sen. Joe Sam Queen of Haywood County arrived at the Old Fort home of Leonard and Janice Hensley. The couple handed the legislator a 4-inch pile of papers bearing signatures of residents opposed to any measure to meter water use in private wells in North Carolina. According to Janice Hensley, Queen […]
Asheville City Council preview: April 22 meeting
Traffic islands for Maxwell Street? Bike lanes for other city streets? These questions and more at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
Blog Log: The week in local blogging
Maybe it’s because it’s 70-some-odd degrees outside, but it sort of feels like Asheville is at a tipping point. Everything either seems on the edge of movement or finally arriving.
Asheville City Council
Voluntary conservation measures instituted by the city last October are paying off—the North Fork Reservoir is full to overflowing, Water Resources Director David Hanks reported during the Asheville City Council’s April 8 formal session. North Fork, the city’s primary water source, is currently about 3 inches over “full pool” and is actually running over its […]
All the “Rage” for a living wage
On Tuesday, April 22, former Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello will perform at the Grey Eagle under the name “The Nightwatchman,” but before he takes the stage, he’ll take a day to help boost awareness of Asheville’s living-wage campaign. Morello “has always been passionate about labor and worker issues,” notes Sarah Osmer, of […]
The Orange Peel in Rolling Stone’s Top 5
The Orange Peel is one of five music venues named in Rolling Stone’s upcoming Best of Rock issue.
Blog Log: The week in local blogging
Got any advice for a newcomer to the local blogosphere?
Asheville lifts water conservation measure
With the North Fork Reservoir overflowing, the city is lifting its voluntary conservation request put in place last October.
Tie vote not enough for Parkside
Size mattered to Asheville’s Planning and Zoning Commission at an April 2 meeting that saw a 3-3 vote on the Parkside condominium project. According to commissioners and members of the public, the 11-story building proposed for property next to City Hall was just too big to fit in that space. Designs on the park: Mark […]
Tie vote not enough for Parkside
A vote by Asheville’s Planning and Zoning Commission on the Parkside condominium development ended in a 3-3 tie — not the majority needed to recommend the project for approval by City Council.
Bele Chere announces musical headliners
Reggae legends The Wailers and country star Travis Tritt top off the headliners for this summer’s Bele Chere — the 30th anniversary of the festival. The lineup, announced today, also includes Cowboy Mouth, Doyle Lawson, Edwin McCain, the Lee Boys, The Grascals, Third World and Steve Azar.
Asheville City Council
Asheville City Council member Robin Cape says she wasn’t trying to pour gasoline on the fire when she asked for a Council discussion on the idea of a moratorium on downtown development. She just wanted to hear options from the city attorney and perhaps gauge where her fellow Council members stood on the matter. But […]
Asheville commission to hear Parkside plan
A controversial 11-story building proposed on land adjacent to Asheville City Hall appears before the city Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, April 2.
Blog Log: The week in local blogging
How sick are we of winter? No, not sick like How To Take a Fall, or even sick like a bear can make you sick, as seen over at WNCOutdoors. Just sick like ready for spring.
Asheville City Council
Faced with a host of infrastructure wants and needs, Asheville City Council members were nonetheless reluctant to charge ahead with a proposed bond issue during their inaugural work session on March 18. An uncertain economic future seemed to dampen the prospects for issuing some $10 million worth of general-obligation bonds. Chief Financial Officer Ben Durant […]