From Rep. Susan Fisher’s email newsletter: Gov. Roy Cooper has declared Oct. 22-28 Financial Aid Awareness Week and urged high school seniors to take advantage of opportunities to seek financial aid. It is estimated that recent N.C. high school graduates who did not complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid would have been eligible for […]
Author: Colleen Kelly Mellor
Showing 1-11 of 11 results

Asheville under glass: Get your docs (not ducks) lined up
Where is that Obamacare medical warehouse we all were promised? You know, the one that will store our medical data such as the list of meds we take, when we had our last tetanus shot, operation dates, etc. I, for one, will embrace a Big Brother information-gathering site if it makes things easier. Here’s how […]

Asheville Under Glass: Leap and the net will appear
In James Cameron’s “Avatar,” the Na’vis of Pandora inhabit an Earth-like moon of the Alpha Centauri star system. They are a pure and superior breed of humanoids who harbor deep respect for the land (you know — like Ashevilleans.) These 10-foot beings have incredible athletic prowess as they leap astride dragons and ride them through […]

Asheville Under Glass: Bear problems
I always forget the appropriate admonition. I’m talking about what one is supposed to do if you find yourself suddenly in the path of a bear. I suspect that I’ll be the one who forgets what to do and piss some bear off — royally.

Asheville Under Glass: Silverlocks
When the lights go up following an afternoon movie in cinemas across Asheville, one notes a sea of white, silver and pewter atop the heads of moviegoers. That view makes me ever-so-comfortable. But my comfort didn’t come naturally. I wrestled with it for years — whether or not to continue bleaching my hair the blonde […]

Asheville under glass: Why we’re not ‘Naples folks’ (but we are Ashevilleans)
In a series of blog posts, guest writer Colleen Kelly Mellor shares her senior view of a region often touted as one of America’s “Best Retirement Towns.” In her latest post, she sheds some light as to why this retirement town was the best fit.

Asheville under glass: The F heard ‘round the (yoga) world
In a series of blog posts, guest writer Colleen Kelly Mellor shares her senior view of a region often touted as one of America’s “Best Retirement Towns.” In her latest post, Mellor gives yoga a second try.

Asheville Under Glass: Celebrating friends, Downton Abbey style
In a series of blog posts, guest writer Colleen Kelly Mellor shares her senior view of a region often touted as one of America’s “Best Retirement Towns.” This week, Mellor muses on the importance of female friendships and recalls how the ladies lived large at a birthday party at the Biltmore Inn — on a budget.

Asheville under glass: My night at the Oscars
In a series of blog posts, guest writer Colleen Kelly Mellor shares her senior view of a region often touted as one of America’s “Best Retirement Towns.” Mellor hopes to share the journey of an older group of society — Western North Carolinians by birth or those newly here, by choice. All offer the unique perspective of those honed on life.

Asheville under glass: Yoga from the lens of a senior
In a series of blog posts, guest writer Colleen Kelly Mellor shares her senior view of a region often touted as one of America’s “Best Retirement Towns.” Mellor hopes to share the journey of an older group of society — Western North Carolinians by birth or those newly here, by choice. All offer the unique perspective of those honed on life.

Asheville under glass: From the lens of a senior
In a series of blog posts, guest writer Colleen Kelly Mellor shares her senior view of a region often touted as one of America’s “Best Retirement Towns.” Mellor hopes to share the journey of an older group of society — Western North Carolinians by birth or those newly here, by choice. All offer the unique perspective of those honed on life.