Thy rod and thy staff

The night sky was black velvet, stars scattered like diamond chips. I could sense the bear more than see it: Quicker than anything else its size, it was in the tent with me. Grabbing my arm in its mouth, it jerked me around like a child holding a rag doll: violently, rapidly, up and down. […]

JourneyAsh­eville: Building relationsh­ips with Asheville’­s homeless

On Monday, July 4, a group of teenagers were handing out bowls of ice cream in Pritchard Park. Nothing unusual, really. There’s always something being given away to eat in the park. But I got to talking with one of the teenagers and was directed to Nichole, who filled me in on what was going on. It’s the work of the Carolina Cross Connection, a youth Christian outreach project.
Photos by Jerry Nelson,

JourneyAsh­eville: Appalachia­n Trail S.W.E.A.T. Crew

The “Smokies Wildnerness Elite Appalachian Trail” Crew is the “Delta Force” of trail maintenance on the AT. Operating strictly in the backcountry, they perform trail maintenance in areas that are beyond the range and ability of trail clubs. Here are few of the photos Jerry Nelson took, documenting the team’s latest work.
Photos by Jerry Nelson,