Asheville’s resident paranormal expert, Joshua Warren, has written many a book, hosted many a conference, hunted many a ghost. But if he’s getting tired of riding the fringe, it doesn’t show. In fact, he seems more eager than ever to illuminate the strange, and his latest endeavor—the Dark 30 traveling show—does so with help from […]
Author: Jon Elliston
Showing 253-273 of 351 results
Love it or hate it
Technologies are funny things. Some make life easier, some make it harder, and some do both. Every technology has its fans and foes, and the relative benefits and costs of each new whiz-bang gadget or techno-fix are very much in the eye of the beholder. Accordingly, Xpress hit the streets of Asheville. Here’s what eight […]
Picturing Asheville in “crazy color”
When Mountain Xpress went looking for an illustration to use on this issue’s front cover, we didn’t have to go far. The perfect picture of colorful Lexington Avenue was just down the street from our offices at the downtown Asheville décor store Mobilia. Color me Asheville: Photographer Lynne Harty with two of her new works, […]
What was she thinking?
Mountain Xpress has already heard from a few readers who were offended by last week’s Asheville Disclaimer page, and we may well hear from a few—or many—more. When the joke’s on you: Asheville Disclaimer founder and coproducer Michele Scheve says “we can’t start trying to protect dumb people from their opinions,” and that the target […]

They want your vote — make ‘em earn it
The field of Asheville City Council candidates is a rich one, with 15 people in the running in the Oct. 9 primary. Xpress will grill them all with our trademark voter-guide questions. What would YOU ask them?

None of the Disclaimer’s business?
Does the Asheville Disclaimer’s parody of Xpress’ new Women in Business advertising supplement take it too far? The woman behind the Disclaimer offers some answers.

Big-time big screener to be honored in Asheville
The fifth annual Asheville Film Festival will put Oscar-nominated actress Tess Harper in the spotlight.
Climate change culture clash
With chants of “Stop mountaintop removal, it kills!” and “No more coal!” some 40 protesters—some dressed as canaries and polar bears—swarmed around the Bank of America on Patton Avenue around 2 p.m. on Aug. 13. A handful of the young activists entered the bank, where they dumped coal on the floor and locked themselves together […]

Clay for Senate?
The Democrats need a challenger to take on Sen. Elizabeth Dole in 2008. Now a Durham newspaper has a modest proposal: Send Clay Aiken to Washington, D.C.
What the future holds
To hear a slew of national magazines tell it, the whole world is coming Asheville’s way. People want to visit here, to play here, to stay here. Where is all this going? Well, it depends on who you ask. In this special package of future-casting stories, the Mountain Xpress news staff took the question to […]
2027: Through a glass darkly
Predictions: • Beyond the “end times” • “All you see is houses” • Ashevilleans refuse “the chip” What does the future hold? Many in Asheville ask that question—and some say they have the answer. The swami Good times after the end times: Virato. Look 20 years into the future, and there might not be anything […]

Asheville referendum drive may have fallen short
Nearing the end of a preliminary count, the Buncombe County Board of Elections says the Let Asheville Vote petitioners got close — but probably gathered less than the 5,000 verified signatures required to succeed.

Bryan Freeborn takes the talk-radio heat
As the Let Asheville Vote petition drive pushed across the finish line yesterday, the City Council member was in the talk-radio crosshairs.

Xpress investigation makes radio waves
At 6 p.m. today (Friday, July 13), tune in to WCQS-88.1 to hear Rebecca Bowe discuss her investigation of a hazardous-waste site in south Asheville.
Noted posteds: Asheville’s mail history in new collection
The Asheville Postcard Company, founded in downtown’s Carolina Lane in 1910, helped put its hometown on the map with small depictions that delivered big impressions. Now a collector has helped historic N.C. postcards enter the digital era and taken Asheville along for the ride. Wish you were here: One of the Asheville-related items in a […]

Can “Let Asheville Vote” hit the 5,000 mark?
Group’s deadline for collecting signatures for a referendum on partisan/nonpartisan voting looms
Let Asheville Vote enters homestretch
It’s a tall order: Gather 5,000 signatures from registered Asheville voters in 30 days. That’s what the hastily organized group Let Asheville Vote is attempting with its petition drive seeking a public referendum on whether or not Asheville will have partisan elections. City Council recently voted, by a 4-3 margin, to forgo nonpartisan voting, a […]

A Green Scene at Green Drinks
Xpress environmental reporter Rebecca Bowe is the featured guest at BoBo Gallery’s Green Drinks this Friday, June 29.

Second to (almost) none: Mountain Xpress garners slew of new awards
The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and the North Carolina Press Association have honored some of Xpress’ best work.

Homeless, advocates rally against Mumpower’s call for photos
This afternoon about a dozen homeless persons and their advocates staged a brief but impassioned rally in Asheville’s Pritchard Park to denounce a City Council member’s call for photos of “vagrant/addict misbehavior.”
Reunion in the land of the sky spies
Few places are as packed with secrecy and discovery as “Rosman station,” as it was long called. Now the people who have worked at this remarkable facility are holding their first reunion, and everyone’s invited. The biggest ears in WNC: At PARI’s 200-acre campus, giant radio antennae and other advanced instruments take students to the […]