The rib ticklers at the Asheville Disclaimer have launched a radio dispatch, which can be heard every Friday during Take a Stand! with Matt Mittan at 5:05 p.m.

The rib ticklers at the Asheville Disclaimer have launched a radio dispatch, which can be heard every Friday during Take a Stand! with Matt Mittan at 5:05 p.m.
The first annual HATCH Asheville—a creative-arts-and-mentoring festival featuring more than 25 free events—runs Wednesday, April 15, through Saturday, April 18. The official guide, which appeared as a pullout section in last week’s Xpress, is also available at festival venues and at special distribution boxes in downtown Asheville. In addition, a full schedule, event details and […]
The first inaugural HATCH Asheville — a multifaceted creative arts and mentoring festival — takes place April 15 to 19. Xpress will publish the official guide inside our April 8 issue, and a full schedule of events is now online here.
Welcome back to Mountain Xpress. The Twitter-powered newspaper — or Twaper, as we dubbed it, has been put on hold for now, and we’re back to business. But not just business as usual.
Asheville City Council member Carl Mumpower announces he will try to keep his seat this fall
Two old Asheville friends and collaborators, Blake Butler and Lesley Groetsch, have always had a lot to say to each other. “For the longest time, we’d call each other every other day and spend at least a half hour talking about politics,” remembers Butler, a former chair of the Buncombe County Democratic Party who now […]
No kidding: The economy is putting a crunch on moms, dads and children. But the Xpress kids section is back again, and this year we’ve collected stories that are both relevant to these tough times and full of ideas for keeping childhood fun. Reporter Anne Fitten Glenn, aka Edgy Mama, writes about the growing phenomenon […]
Statement praises fire fighters, offers refunds to brides-to-be who booked the facility, discusses Inn’s financial state and offers assistance in fire investigation
The first annual HATCH Asheville is right around the corner: The creative-arts and mentoring festival will take place April 15 to 19, offering dozens of workshops, panels, fashion shows, film screenings, musical performances and many more events. While some events will be ticketed, most will be free and open to the public. The festival will […]
Starting a business in the past few months has proved to be tricky business for many who have braved the down economy. But one new local cleaning company might have found a way to make things work—and it has done so by following an unusual model. Doing it for themselves: Members of the Home Cleaning […]
For journalists, keeping government operations open to scrutiny—and keeping public records public—is a year-round endeavor. But once a year, during Sunshine Week (March 15 to 21), Mountain Xpress joins thousands of publications across the country in making a special push to promote official transparency. A year ago, we marked this nationwide celebration of freedom of […]
Free Entrepreneurial Class In Marion: Think you’re ready to try your hand at starting a new business? A free upcoming class might help you make the call. The McDowell Technical Community College Small Business Center and the Marion Business Association are co-sponsoring a session called “Am I Cut Out to be an Entrepreneur?” on Monday, […]
The owner of the Lexington Avenue coffee shop plans on running a “comfortable, cozy” spot.
A paratrooper descends into a battle zone, sheds his parachute and hits the ground running. A minesweeper steps gingerly through a field, scanning for unexploded ordnance. A Marine slogs through the jungle, his feet fighting their way through the dense underbrush. Different warriors in different settings, but they all might have one thing in common: […]
The U.S. military fights in all sorts of weather, so our armed forces know full well the value of an accurate forecast. And when commanders want a reliable weather report before moving troops, setting out to sea or calling in an air strike, they look toward Asheville. The 88 staffers of the little-known 14th Weather […]
Thus far, the two-front “war on terror” has claimed the lives of 4,865 U.S. military personnel. One hundred nineteen of them hailed from North Carolina, and six of those called Western North Carolina home. Below are details about our area’s service members who’ve perished in Afghanistan and Iraq. Sgt. William S. Kinzer Jr., Hendersonville: Kinzer, […]
The United Nations secretary-general speaks in grave tones to a room packed with officials from some of the world’s largest, most powerful countries. He’s called them together, he says, to help them save their nations by saving the planet. The situation’s getting desperate: A Category 5 hurricane has reduced much of Miami to ruins and […]
Grove Corner Market Offers Deals: Like most businesses these days, the Grove Corner Market in Asheville’s Grove Arcade is feeling the pinch—looking for some help and offering some in return. “The Grove Corner Market, in the midst of the usual winter downtown doldrums and the unique current market, is in need of some ready cash […]
It’s Fat Tuesday, the culmination of Mardi Gras. Relive the revelry so far — the costumes, the streets filled with beads, the carousing and parading — with Xpress photos and videos.
What happens when a conservative City Council member faces an Orange Peel full of Asheville progressives? Watch our videos to find out.
Asheville Chamber Legislative Luncheon Friday, Feb. 20: With the economy down the drain, local businesses are seeking all the help they can get from the state Legislature. The Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Legislative Luncheon Friday, Feb. 20, to brief members on a state-government wish list compiled by the Chamber’s Governmental […]