Linda Cammarata, founder of Circadian Rhythm Practice, offers students of all ages the chance to heal the body and reinvigorate natural biological cycles. (This is the 11th post in the Asana Xpress series by freelance writer Kate Lundquist. Photography by Kate Lundquist.)
Author: Kate Lundquist
Showing 43-55 of 55 results
Asana Xpress: Constructing a healthier life
Accessing joy through yoga and music
Michael Johnson and his wife Stephanie of Clearlight Yoga invite Asheville to practice on and off the mat to heal the self and benefit the community. This is the 10th post in the yoga series, Asana Xpress.
Creating support and play through AcroYoga
Sadie Ranen, 21, and sister Maggie Ranen, 18, love to play with acrobatics and yoga through the practice of AcroYoga outside of Asheville Yoga Donation Studio. Here, they demonstrate Urdvha Dhanurasana, or Wheel Pose. This is the ninth post in the yoga series by freelance writer Kate Lundquist. (Photos by Kate Lundquist.)
Asana Xpress: “Letting the outside in”
This is the second in our “Asana Xpress” series highlighting poses from the sun salutation and featuring local yoga students and teachers. Everyone steps onto the yoga mat at different times in their lives, and for many reasons. Kimberly Drye walked through the doors of Asheville Yoga Center and Lighten Up Yoga in order to […]
A playful approach to yoga and circus life
Rich Risbridger, 38, circus performer and yoga instructor, inspires a playful attitude in his yoga classes. Here, he demonstrates full Hanumanasana in downtown Asheville. This is the eighth post in the yoga series by freelance writer Kate Lundquist.
Offering refuge from stress and anxiety
Julia Lehr, yoga instructor and yoga lead for wellness crew at Warren Wilson College, offers free yoga classes and inspiration for students. Here, she demonstrates low lunge. This is the seventh in the yoga series by freelance writer Kate Lundquist.
Observing Peace
Ryan Kelly, a natural products researcher and yoga instructor, reminds her students to slow down the pace to observe the effects. Here, she demonstrates downward facing dog, the sixth in a yoga series by freelance writer Kate Lundquist.
Embodiment of the divine
Heidi Vaught, 27, yoga instructor, demonstrates upward facing dog in Pack Square. This is the fifth post in the yoga series by freelance writer, Kate Lundquist. (Photos by Kate Lundquist)
Yoga as healing
Lia Del Priore, clinical specialist and yoga instructor, teaches yoga to people recovering from addiction and substance abuse. Here, the 29-year-old demonstrates plank pose at the Asheville Yoga Donation Center. This is the fourth post in a yoga series by freelance writer, Kate Lundquist.
Constructing a healthier life
Ryan Conrad, 34, combines yoga and physical therapy for both his patients at Care Partners and his students at local yoga studios. Here, he demonstrates Uttanasana at One Center Yoga. This is the third post of a yoga-pose series for Xpress by freelance writer and yoga instructor, Kate Lundquist. (Photos by Kate Lundquist)
‘Letting the outside in’
Kimberly Drye, 29, practices and teaches yoga outdoors. By being outside, she says she finds inspiration and sees the bigger picture. Here, she demonstrates the second pose in the sun salutation series at Carrier Park in west Asheville. This is the second post of a yoga pose series for Xpress by freelance writer and yoga instructor, Kate Lundquist. (photos by Margaret Landers)
In the beginning was Namaste
Eden May, 20, uses yoga to help steady her mind and focus during rock climbing. She demonstrates the first posture of the sun salutation series. This is the first post of a yoga pose series for Xpress by freelance writer and yoga instructor, Kate Lundquist. (photo by Caitlin Byrd)