“We seem to be living in a society that wears scientific ignorance as a badge of honor. “
Author: Letters
Showing 2584-2604 of 2959 results
Letter writer: Arguments against human culpability for climate change fail to persuade
“Glaciers are receding absolutely everywhere; tundra is turning to muck; species, both flora and fauna, are heading toward the poles; and none of this is conjecture.”
Letter writer: Support new resources for local LGBTQ youths
“The young people I am fortunate to know through volunteering at YouthOutright, an organization serving LGBTQ youth in Western North Carolina, may have the most intimate understanding of homophobia’s systemic influence in our culture.”
Letter writer: Climate-science deniers promote public ignorance
“For many industries, promotion of public ignorance is far preferable to public scientific literacy when profits are on the line.”
Letter writer: Students’ needs considered in testing
The answer Mr. Glazener gave [in his June 17 letter, “Proctors Ensure Integrity in Testing,” Xpress] explained clearly the duties and responsibilities of a proctor but didn’t address the particular situation. When a child has an IEP (Individual Education Plan) s/he is usually tested in a small group or individually depending upon needs as determined […]
Letter writer: Fluoridation may open Asheville to litigation
“Even if our city refuses to believe studies from Harvard or the Environmental Protection Agency or the 97 percent of countries in western Europe that refuse to fluoridate their water, why would we ‘medicate’ our water supply to prevent tooth decay?”
Letter writer: Grocery stores should take the lead and label GMO foods
“We have a right to know what we are eating. Because of this new momentum, several food retailers and brands have taken a stand.”
Letter writer: City of Asheville isn’t ‘Leveling the Playing Field’ for short-term rentals
“The city has created a climate of fear and mistrust among neighbors [for short-term rentals]. The fines of $100 per day have been levied, and people have been put out of business, losing a vital level of income in some cases that allowed them to stay in their houses.”
Letter writer: Set the record straight on carbon fees
“Actually, 97 percent of climate scientists are in consensus about the fact that human-generated CO2, methane and nitrous oxides are causing runaway climate change. Are these scientists naive?”
Letter writer: Make sure African-American viewpoint is heard and honored in redevelopment of The Block
“I don’t know a single thing about the planned development of The Block, but I am convinced that it is time to pause and rethink, and make sure the African-American viewpoint is heard and honored. “
Letter writer: Teachers shouldn’t have to crowd-fund their medical care
“How many teachers need to leave the system for greener pastures before the public finally says enough?”
Letter writer: ‘America the Beautiful’ is under assault from within
“It is worthy of note that now, in 2015, America the Beautiful is under full assault from within.”
Letter writer: ‘Obamacare’s’ benefits are real, but bureaucratic missteps lead to frustration
“My overwhelming feeling is one of utter frustration whenever I think about [‘Obamacare.’] “
Letter writer: City and county should leave Airbnb alone
“The area is now so expensive and gentrified on its own appeal and expanding population that implicating Airbnb is a convenient exaggeration to justify intervention.”
Letter writer: Community water fluoridation has important benefits for oral health
“Water fluoridation is an inexpensive means of improving oral health that benefits all residents of a community, young and old, rich and poor alike.”
Letter writer: Old Coggins Farm should be protected, not developed
“This is a pristine, historic family farm that a developer is proposing to put under high-end housing in a community that is already struggling with insufficient farmland.”
Letter writer: Climate-change believers betray their naiveté
“Wake up, people. All of you who believe in CO2-caused ‘climate change’ are scientifically naïve and are being played for suckers by the controlling mafia that runs the world.”
Letter writer: Asheville residents lobby for climate change proposal
“[Last] week, several folks from Asheville joined hundreds of others to go to Washington, D.C., and brave the sweltering heat — not for vacation, but to talk to our senators and representatives about a bipartisan solution to halt disastrous climate change. “
Letter writer: White men, don’t kill in our name
“Today many insecure men, influenced by a system that is racist, try to quell their insecurity by scapegoating people who are different in looks, gender, sexual orientation and race.”
Letter writer: And now, a few words from a cow
“This is a call for you to think beyond, merely, how a food tastes and explore the substance that connects us all.”
Letter writer: Our community deserves a choice in mental health providers
“This change is going to radically alter the availability of a number of services in Buncombe County. … Everyone deserves access to needed health services, including mental health services.”