Terry Van Duyn diligent, dedicated, passionate and selfless

There’s a terrific, all-volunteer local charity called Children’s Welfare League that promotes the education and welfare of disadvantaged students in the high schools of Asheville and Buncombe County. As a volunteer with CWL, I have worked on several projects with Terry Van Duyn, and she is one of the most diligent, dedicated, passionate, selfless individuals […]

Ayurveda most definitely works

Recently, you had a story about how well Ayurveda works (“Ayurveda Rising: New Program Highlights Local Practice, Art and Training,” Sept. 24, Xpress). It most definitely does. Earlier this year, I ran across information for different vision problems in an inexpensive book of mine, Ancient Healing Secrets (Practical Cures That Work Today) by Dian Dincin Buchman. (Her […]

What about the animals on the Cherokee reservatio­n?

In your article of Sept. 17  (“Simple Solutions: Cherokee’s Garden Kit Program Spurs Community Wellness”), Chief Michell Hicks discussed how the community garden kits benefit the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians tribal members, stating that the Cherokee “suffer from the excesses of modern living” and “are working to overcome poor eating habits, a lack of […]

Asheville or ashtray?

Asheville is a wonderful city. It’s no wonder so many tourists are lured to this beautiful environment. The Blue Ridge Mountains provide us with a plethora of hiking trails, waterfalls and stunning views. We’re surrounded by nature’s gifts. But the exquisite scenery isn’t the only reason Asheville is unique. We have a vibrant music scene, […]

Tate MacQueen is the best choice for the 10th Congressio­nal District

Who will be the best representative for North Carolina’s  10th Congressional District? Someone like Patrick McHenry, who has taken thousands from the fracking and fossil fuel industries and the banking sectors, or Tate MacQueen, who continues to fight against pollution at the CTS site in Asheville? Polls show that most Americans support strengthening Social Security and […]

Letter to voters includes misinforma­tion

While taking hours over the weekend to register 10 voters, I heard on the news that Americans for Prosperity sent out a mailer to hundreds of North Carolinians targeting African-American communities and other Democratic-leaning neighborhoods with false information about voter registration. Among the misinformation in the mailer: two different deadlines for mailing registration applications; instructions […]

Contracept­ion funding saves local school taxes, environmen­t

Only contraception can save the world or Buncombe County. This means that among things that can’t save Buncombe are bike lanes, solar panels, wind generators, vegetarianism, organic farming, stream bank mitigation, stormwater management or manure management sheds. A big reason most of the above can’t save Buncombe is because they require steel to make, as […]

Writer supports Miranda DeBruhl for county commission­er

Miranda DeBruhl will bring fiscal responsibility to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. I am supporting Miranda DeBruhl because of her commitment to fiscal responsibility, local small business and private property rights. A native of Buncombe County, Miranda lives in Leicester with her husband, Kelly, and their two young children. Miranda is a registered nurse […]

Biology, history surround ‘foot etiquette’ and hookworms

After reading letters  like Kriss Sands’ on being barred from the Mountain State Fair for going barefoot [“Why I Won’t Be Attending Mountain State Fair This year,” Sept. 10, Xpress] and also seeing people disregarding the “No Shoes, No Service” public health codes in Asheville stores and restaurants, I feel people need a little biology and history lesson […]