“So in the name of progress, neighborhoods are being displaced, communities’ concerns are being ignored, and the people charged to serve the greater good have given over to the avarice of so-called ‘progress.'”

“So in the name of progress, neighborhoods are being displaced, communities’ concerns are being ignored, and the people charged to serve the greater good have given over to the avarice of so-called ‘progress.'”
“The airport board and management team are committed to managing the exciting growth as responsibly and efficiently as possible.”
“The most recent ploy to feed their addiction to power is that of spending state tax dollars to fund so-called pregnancy crisis centers that are in fact run by anti-choice groups that likely have church or religious affiliations, centers that do not offer family planning services, that do not offer other women’s health services.”
“It’s time someone asked whether we get our money’s worth from these corporate handouts.”
“Like others, I have been deeply offended by the heavy-handed manner in which our airport authority has coerced more people to park in the new parking deck: by closing off 300 spaces in the long-term surface lot.”
“Undocumented alien is just as legitimate a descriptive as any of the words used for any other crime, which describes the criminal and the crime.”
“To prevent the demise of our democracy, we must participate in it.”
“The irony that the supporters of the Lost Cause claim to oppose the rewriting of history is that in many cases, they were the ones who rewrote that history.”
“The time is now to insist our students receive tools that will give them, their families and their world a million times more benefit than would the tools of defense and attack still (sadly) popular even in progressive Asheville.”
“Racial discrepancies in traffic stops have roused many in our community to stand up and speak out — and for good reason.”
“Now, people like Cox, by her writings and lectures, have incited individuals to do such things as to deface the plaque to Gen. Robert E. Lee at the Vance Monument.”
“A letter in the May 2 edition credited the present district attorney with hiring the first black assistant DA. This is not accurate.”
“I would like to give a big thank-you and a round of applause to the city of Asheville Parks and Recreation Department.”
“Personally, I say ‘No’ to the militarization of our youth despite good intentions. We can do better than that with the ideals that reflect peace or at least make war less likely.”
“To hear of people in our community with no criminal records cowering in fear of going to the grocery store is shocking.”
“I can’t help but wonder why they would say no to the East Asheville development but approve a another development that mirrors it in so many ways …”
“Such declarations made by these pubic officials constitute a violation of their sworn oath of office to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution from all foreign and domestic threats.”
“I ask the president why no one seems to care about any input from us about who we think should head the VA?”
“Reading that illegals have the temerity to insist that county commissioners do something to stop immigration enforcement should enrage anyone who believes in the rule of law.”
“Lots of insight into helping us transplanted urbanites comprehend the ongoing support for our current president, whom many of us consider an amoral charlatan, even when they are voting against their own interests.”
“It is my belief that health care practitioners themselves need to be in the process of discovering or knowing what food, what diet, what lifestyle supports their individual mental, physical and spiritual well-being.”