‘I wish Asheville would make providing recycling for renters mandatory. … I’m sure many of the thousands of renters who do not now recycle would if it were convenient.”
Author: Letters
Showing 2017-2037 of 2951 results
Letter: On the edge of brilliance
“And the accent should be on breathtaking, inspirational beauty, on community, on relaxation and wonder. Education may be an ad hoc book club meeting in the open space under a tree, housing in an extremely complementary way could develop well down the line beyond the edge of the park and retail, drawn to the beauty of the space (but not within it), would naturally provide opportunities and fill some needs without defacing the inherent beauty of a gorgeous space.”
Letter: Another view from Haywood Street advisory team
“For example, people were not asked, “What is the only thing you would like to do on the property.” In the results of the Open City Hall survey, Public Civic Space did have the highest single total at 351. However, 484 responses asked for a variety of active, locally based mixed uses, retail, commerce or residential space.”
Letter: I-26 widening will destroy homes, families, flora and fauna
“We do not need eight lanes on I-26 going into North Asheville past Weaverville, let alone six lanes. It just creates people speeding!”
Letter: Hoping Buncombe Republicans provide new material for Molton
“Going forward, it’s my hope the 45,000 Republicans in Buncombe County will be working extra hard to give him lots of new material.”
Letter: Turn city lot entirely into a park
“City Council members Brian Haynes and Cecil Bothwell have the right idea — turn the vacant, city-owned parcel fronting St. Lawrence Basilica and the U.S. Cellular Center entirely into a park.”
Letter: Smart meters hold great promise
“Smart meters are a necessary step if our electricity grid is going to accommodate distributed storage (residential batteries like the Tesla power wall). They also offer endless opportunities for apps and other data-driven efficiency strategies that we haven’t dreamed of yet. There’s also a reduction in fossil fuel use when meter readers don’t have to drive to homes anymore.”
Letter: Do not be deceived by false teachers
“Young people, do not be deceived by false teachers. They do not have your well-being in mind.”
Letter: Art has power
“Art brings voice and vision to facts written on the pages of history books. It reflects and shapes culture, liberates us, expresses the forbidden. It confesses our sins and celebrates our triumphs. It can even topple tyrants. Perhaps that is the most disturbing aspect of Trump’s quest to destroy the NEA.”
Letter: Take back your liberty with N.C. ballot measure
“The NC We the People Campaign is procuring a ballot measure for the 2018 election that declares that the people of North Carolina support amending the USA Constitution to establish that corporations cannot buy elections and that human beings — not corporations — are “natural persons” entitled to constitutional rights.”
Letter: Downtown parking woes
“If I cannot park in the same parking lot I have parked in for years to visit one of my favorite eateries without incurring a ticket that exceeds my meal cost, why would I continue to visit that business?”
Letter: Legislators should allow vote on We the People Act
‘Leaders in the N.C. General Assembly and specifically in the Rules Committee of both N.C. state houses need to hear from you that they should pass these bills out of committee and onto the floor for a vote.”
Letter: Local media need greater diversity
“I am writing this letter to ask that both readers, listeners (radio), watchers (TV), editors and owners of various area mass media look at their staffs and their coverage for bias in hiring and coverage based on a failure to diversify their hiring and coverage.”
Letter: Vaccines need careful examination for safety
“It is way more than a coincidence that the rate of many neurological disorders in our children has increased dramatically since 1989, including autism, tics, sleep disorders, ADHD/ADD, speech and language issues, and other “unspecified developmental delays.” The numbers are staggering!”
Letter: Sunday Town Hall meeting offers info on Medicare for All
“To learn more and voice your opinions, come to The District 11 Medicare for All Town Hall in Waynesville, 285 N Main St., on April 23, 3-5 p.m.”
Letter: Thumbs-up for ‘Practice What You Preach’
“However, admiration and compliments are in order for Tim Hartigan, whose letter (under your title “Practice What You Preach, Feb. 22) [Xpress] deserves wider recognition.”
Letter: No mystery in bypassing City Council
“People contacted [former Sen. Tom] Apodaca initially, and now Mr. Edwards, because they no longer expect those who destroy their quality of life to have any interest in restoring it. We’ve seen this before during City Council’s forced annexation crusade.”
Letter: Jewelry advertising was ill-advised
“With these as the antecedents to the [recently replaced] billboard, it feels as though our overall feminist leaning and progressive community might indeed be justified in our agitation with this piece of marketing.”
Letter: Park is not a four-letter word
“The ‘citizen’ task force process was a farce. Council did not need this task force. There are 12 years of documented public support for green space, not more commercial development.”
Letter writer: Book offers appreciation of interstate landscapes
“The initial inspiration for the book was observations made while driving along most of I-81 with my family many years ago and thinking that there was much to see along the route that most travelers were oblivious to — geology, physiography, vegetation, etc.”
Letter writer: Stop littering roads with signs
‘Please, I beg you, stop littering our roads with signs. What must visitors to our beautiful city think when they see all those ugly signs?’