Duane Fernandes returns to Horizons, the Blackbird opens an Asheville location, the Admiral appears in Garden & Gun and more.

Duane Fernandes returns to Horizons, the Blackbird opens an Asheville location, the Admiral appears in Garden & Gun and more.
The new restaurant and bar, Chestnut, is the latest venture from the co-owners of the popular Corner Kitchen in Biltmore Village.
Tired of close quarters in a small town? Fed up with local politics, low wages or the lack of consistently good Chinese takeout? Remind yourself why you live in Asheville with this video.
Wherein we blog about our weekend — and attempt to squelch a pervasive rumor about the Admiral.
File under stuff you already knew: Yahoo Travel says it’s really hard to be single in Asheville. The blurb: “Tucked away in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville has become popular with retirees who enjoy the area’s noted food and foliage and make up roughly one-third of its households. A large population of older adults does […]
A group of eight local investors, including Tim Schaller, owner of the Wedge Brewery, has bought the Wedge Building in the River Arts District. The new owners plan to keep things much the same as they have always been in that particular artsy corner of Asheville — but some changes are afoot.
From the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project: Tomato plants are now in the ground of Western North Carolina’s farms and gardens. Unfortunately, ASAP and the Market Place restaurant can’t do anything to speed up the growing process. But, they can offer news to keep excitement of the summer favorite’s arrival building: advance tickets are now on […]
Allen Johnson, the editorial-page editor of the Greensboro News and Record, blogged about his recent trip to Asheville. Johnson came away with the impression that downtown Asheville is a diverse place full of great restaurants, brewpubs and a colorful street scene with “an ambiance and vibe rarely matched in other places we’ve been.” Then he […]
Looking for the meatiest of all meaty events? With great music, too? Head to Tryon on June 8 and 9 for a smorgasbord of pig, fair food and music.
Engines revving, Asheville food trucks are idling at pole position. Fighting an eventually successful campaign to vend downtown may not have been enough to satisfy the food-truck owners’ taste for racing, it seems. Not content to quietly feed tacos, barbecue sandwiches and falafel to the masses, they’ve turned on each other. In a test of […]
It was a sweltering Saturday; music was thumping, people were drinking beer out of tiny plastic cups and the fire marshal came. Frat-house keg party? Hardly. The Just Economics Just Brew It Homebrew Fest was a smashing — or smashed — success.
From CNN.com: “Politics will mix with partying this Pride season as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their allies around the world celebrate President Barack Obama’s support for same-sex marriage and protest North Carolina’s passage of constitutional amendment banning same-sex unions. When planning a Pride vacation, pick a destination where the scale of the […]
Garden & Gun magazine calls for entries for the third annual Made in the South Awards. From the release: “The Made in the South Awards celebrate the rich cultural tradition of Southern craft, design and ingenuity. Each fall, G&G editors gather a who’s who lineup of guest judges to pore through the hundreds of entries […]
It’s Beer Week — soak up all that booze with a little food, OK? Here are a few options.
Catch the big reveal at the Wedge on Thursday, May 31.
The details are scant, but here’s the report from the AC-T: “Smoky Park Highway near the Haywood County line was shut down this morning as deputies investigate a chase. Authorities said officers with the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office pursued a man driving a pickup truck around 11 a.m. The driver stopped, and as officers approached […]
A new (to us) sandwich shop, plus Books and Breadboard closes its doors and Asiana Grand Buffet (west) opens with a fresh look and new name — Yao. (Photos by Max Cooper)
The Salmonella Paratyphi B outbreak caused by tainted starter culture in Smiling Hara tempeh is still climbing, say officials. 83 people had been sickened by salmonella as of Friday afternoon, of which 62 are Buncombe County residents. “The total count includes cases of people who visited or otherwise had connections to Buncombe County and were […]
The owner of Adam Dalton Distillery on Biltmore was charged with possession of a controlled substance — psilocybin mushrooms — this weekend. The bar owner maintains that the mushrooms in question did not belong to him. According to the Citizen-Times report, the distillery and bar is “operating normally.” However, warrants indicate Dalton received an Alcoholic […]
Bruisin’ Ales and Zambra tapas are pairing together to present an a la carte evening of beer cocktails on Thursday, May 31, starting at 4 .p.m. From the Facebook invite: “We’ve brought in spirits from the distillers at popular breweries, Dogfish Head, New Holland Brewing, and Rogue Ales. No fixed price, just show up and […]
Blog Asheville has a good roundup of some of the food and beer focused events coming this month and early next. Read on: “In May the stars align for local foodies: Spring’s bounty plus dinners and events for Asheville Beer Week makes the next few weeks full of excitement for those who love food, beer […]