Candidate: Don Yelton

Don Yelton Don Yelton Political party: Republican Residence: Jupiter Road, Weaverville Occupation: Instructor, consultant Education: B.A. biology/psychology, UNCA; M.S. biology, East Tennessee State University; M.S. environmental systems engineering, Clemson University. Political experience: Served on Buncombe County committee evaluating composting; worked with Taxpayers for Accountability, Citizens for Change and other groups. Have attended most county commissioner […]

Candidate: Cecil Bothwell

Cecil Bothwell Cecil Bothwell Political party: Democrat Residence: Asheville Occupation: Writer/editor/publisher Education: Attended Emory University, University of New Hampshire, Prescott College Political experience: WNC manager, Cynthia Brown for U.S. Senate; wrote petition against Grove Park high-rise (2002) which led to founding of Asheville People Advocating Real Conservancy; created Rolling Thunder/Asheville; SpareChange?/SOS-Bring them home! (2003) organizer; […]

Growing the better bicycle

Keith Young’s obsession with bicycles began at age 4, when he received one for his birthday. He was ill with mono at the time, and he stared at the gift for a month. Nearly three decades later, his enthusiasm for bikes hasn’t waned. To Young, they’re as normal a part of his life as choosing […]

Safe and sound

It was a hard, cold spring rain. My husband, Lenny, and I had been walking on the Appalachian Trail since 8 that morning. When we finally got to the shelter as it was getting dark, we saw that someone had hung a tarp to prevent rain from getting in. Inside, an old man was sitting […]

Beautiful nonsense

When that great rock snob in the sky writes the book on outlandish opening lines to albums (and yes, it will happen), “Blue Flowers/Blue Fame” from Destroyer’s latest album, Trouble In Dreams (Merge, 2008), should be taken into account. The opening stanza reads a lot like Destroyer’s career—conversational, nonsensical, pretentious and magnificent all at the […]

The anti-humor of the Awesome Show

Even if you’ve never sat down and watched an entire episode of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, odds are good that you’ve at least chanced across the 11-minute program while flipping channels late on a Sunday night. The show, which just ended its second season on Cartoon Network’s “Adult Swim” block, is a […]

Picture this

Sometimes the best ideas take their own sweet time (not to mention very circuitous routes) in coming to fruition. Such is the case with The Memoirs of Helene Kottanner, the recently completed book by Warren Wilson College art professor Gwen Diehn. It was just last year that Diehn was selected from a nationwide pool of […]

What’s up with Mount Mitchell?

In February, my nephews and I decided to hike to the summit of Mount Mitchell. But the most interesting thing to happen that day turned out to be eating our organic-peanut-butter-and-black-currant-jelly sandwiches while perched atop the grave of Dr. Elisha Mitchell, the geologist for whom both the peak and the state park are named. No […]

Sharing more of the wealth

In your “Nonprofit Power” cover story [“Sharing the Wealth,” April 9], you chose to highlight the biggest and best-known nonprofit organizations in our area. In future, I hope you will feature some of the region’s smaller and lesser-known—but equally important—cultural, medical and educational nonprofits. They are run by dedicated people who keep them going despite […]

Nonprofit redux

I enjoyed the recent article on nonprofits [“Sharing the Wealth,” April 9] and also thought Mr. Evan’s follow-up letter [“Looking the Gift Horse in the Mouth,” April 16] made some good points. There is middle ground between the two, and some ground not covered by either. It is true that charities tend to be inefficient […]

Many hands make necessary work

In the April 9 edition of Mountain Xpress, Asheville’s nonprofits were featured as a critical part of the Western North Carolina (WNC) community. Reporter Hal Millard interviewed the president of the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, Pat Smith, who remarked that “… government, business and nonprofits work together for a healthy community.” MANNA FoodBank […]

Re-victimizing the homeless?

I was truly and sadly disappointed at the piece “Asheville’s Most Arrested” by David Forbes, in the March 19 issue of the Mountain Xpress. What on earth is the point of further humiliating men and women who are homeless, at the bottom end of their resources? Almost all of these arrests were for the various […]

Looking out, not up

I just read the article [“Building a Legacy,” April 9] outlining the possibility (God forbid) of two 20-story buildings being erected in our beautiful city. Stay visually small, Asheville, or we will live to regret it. We will get ugly, no matter how pretty they try to make the monsters look. This is the point […]

Back to reality

Yes, Kristin MacCleod: It is safe for your dog to drink from Kenilworth Lake [“Dead Fountain: What Have We Done to Wild Asheville,” Commentary, April 9]. Those of us who are native or have been here a while know there are no natural lakes in North Carolina except, perhaps, Alligator Lake along the coast. (I […]

Wake me when it’s over

Let me get this straight: Bele Chere is turning 30 this year, so in honor of the auspicious anniversary they are bringing in cutting-edge headliners Travis Tritt and the Wailers—those two fading stars—for a paid sunburn fest in the ballpark, no less, plus Doyle Lawson, Cowboy Mouth, Edwin McCain, Lee Boys, Grascals, Third World and […]

Spruce up that plan a little

Money, money, blah, blah. Where is City Council’s respect for themselves? Does anyone except the money profiteers want another luxury high-rise in downtown Asheville? I don’t think so. The name Parkside Condominiums is a bit of an oxymoron anyway; condos never have gone well with parks. Why should we have to fight with City Council […]

The care and feeding of real education

Services are drying up, monies are not available except for anything associated with the military-industrial complex, and our kids are not getting educated. Within days of each other, we have an article about the Randolph Learning Center needing mentors, and then in following days, the Education Coalition (notice front-page headline [in the Asheville Citizen-Times]) is […]

Fear controls nuclear options

It’s amazing how the emotion of fear will make us totally illogical. … Fear that global warming will cause rising waters and pestilence [can] cloud one’s thinking, obscuring the true facts of past history, past CO2 concentrations, and the sun’s being a variable star by 0.5 percent. Fear has led many to believe the “peak […]

The good, the bad, the ugly

When you’re considering who’s the best candidate for county commissioner, think about Cecil Bothwell and remember James Stewart in the old movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Mr. Smith only knew how to talk straight and tell the truth. After many years of being an excellent investigative reporter who covered commissioners’ meetings, Cecil knows the […]