Hillary’s my pick

I think everyone wants change in this country, and anyone who doesn’t is either a nonthinker or [is] not paying attention. In listening to the latest TV ads Obama is putting out, all he is doing is talking about how bad off we are—something I think most of us know already. I know I do. […]

Hillary all the way

I support Hillary Clinton for president because she is the best-qualified candidate. I appreciate Hillary’s sharp mind and fully developed plans for our country. She is no slouch; she is tenacious and tough in the face of adversity.  And certainly, in this campaign, she has faced adversity. From a negative and misogynist press to the […]

The Asheville Affiliates

1st row (from left to right): Julie Bradley, Robyn Bacon, Jessica Hunter; 2nd row: Lauren Williams, Martha Evans, Kitty Price; and 3rd row: Jonathan Frappier, Chad Donnahoo. Not pictured: Sara Fields, Blake Smith, Gene Felice. The Asheville Affiliates is a community of more than 3,000 individuals who are invited to attend fundraising events hosted by […]

River Link

RiverLink’s French Broad Riverkeeper, Hartwell Carson, and volunteer Mark Vanderhoff paddled the entire river from Rosman to Knoxville in the 2006 Tour de French Broad. Carson will be paddling the entire Pigeon River starting May 5. RiverLink was born in 1987 of simultaneous efforts to address water-quality concerns throughout the French Broad River basin, expand […]

Fresh, lively and brand-new

Before the morning chill disappears from the air this Saturday, while some of us are still sweetly dreaming, farmers will unfurl their shade tents and set out their tender spring harvests. Bakers will assemble racks and pile them with fragrant loaves, fresh from the oven. Cheese makers will graciously uncover samples of their most delicate […]

Jerry’s Baddle

We still miss you, Jerry. Jerry Beckwith (1957-2006) was an avid and accomplished road biker and kayaker with an affinity for the paddling style known as “steep creeking.” John Pilson. Photo by Ben Edson, Downstreamphoto.com I first met Jerry while kayaking, and like hundreds of Western North Carolina paddlers, I’m filled with fond memories of […]

Looking the gift horse in the mouth

As a supporter, a former board member and an erstwhile employee of numerous nonprofits, I find some glaring voids in your consideration of nonprofits in WNC [Sharing the Wealth,” April 9]. There is generally no public input for setting nonprofits’ priorities. Consequently, issues are addressed not according to public needs, but rather donors’ perceptions of […]

Don’t look for an apology

I felt the need to respond to the accusations of “slander” made by City Council at the March 25 meeting [“Development Moratorium Discussion Gets Testy,” April 2]. If it’s slander to confront Council and other elected officials about their inability to say no to any developer who brings a proposal for consideration; if it’s slander […]

Fanning the flames

Thank you for writing about people going up in smoke at Asheville Mortuary Services [“Where There’s Smoke …,” The Buzz, April 2]—which was licensed in 2005—only a few blocks from the Biltmore shopping area. Those who reported the bodies’ ash and smoke are not blowing hot air. I first saw the dense black smoke aggressively […]

Dig those mountain roots

Kudos to Kent Priestley for the piece on Okeh Records’ Asheville sessions [“Mountain Country,” April 2]. Along with Phil Blank’s illustrations and Andrew Findley’s cover, that article should be archived by every serious old-time music fan. The research—and writing—was something you’d expect to find on the cover of Harper’s Magazine, rather than a small alternative […]

Keep the Black Mountain flavor

Please note that I am interested in protecting the lovely community of Black Mountain from the expansion of the Ingles located in Black Mountain. Ingles has not kept their promise to provide green space in the already existing [location]. What is to keep them from continuing to break their word? Black Mountain has a charming […]

The price is too high-rise

I am writing regarding the proposed high-rise in the town of Asheville on property that was [deeded] in perpetuity to the citizens … for a park. This [project] would mean uprooting a magnolia tree and building a high-rise building in the center of town. Please let us unite to forbid the building of this proposed […]

Design by checkbook

New housing, business improvement: Both are important aspects of community life. So is building restoration and urban redevelopment. Asheville is made great by the people who make up the community … . The magnolia tree has silently sat watch over generations of Asheville communities. It would be a shame to watch it go. It cannot […]

No condos on the park

I have been marveling at all the development going on downtown—more and more condos being built for rich people! It seems like anywhere they can be crammed in, it is being done! I really wonder how our infrastructure will be able to support all these new residences. I think the biggest insult to our community […]

Pick up your toys and go home

Asheville’s public green spaces are rare—so rare that I, a true Asheville native, have to get my cognitive gears cranking to even identify where they are. Oh yeah, City/County Plaza. Wow, what memories! Shindig on the Green, Greek Festival, major Bele Chere venue. But wait a minute. Mr. Coleman is putting yet another high-rise in […]

Don’t let Parkside happen

How can public land be sold to a private developer without any citizen input of any kind? This land is part of the George Pack legacy that clearly stipulated that this space would be held in the public trust as a park in perpetuity. I urge City Council to reject the Parkside condo proposal. It […]