Beauty in motion

Not many of us have the dedication, good fortune or funds that enable today’s better known plant hunters to trek into the wilderness in China, South Africa or Mexico in search of wildflowers. Sun-seekers: Joe-pye weed and Turk’s-cap lilies are showy late-summer flowers. Photos By Christopher Carrie We can, however, follow in the footsteps of […]

Zacchaeus House and its gift of hope

It is a tragic injustice that the city of Asheville seems anxious to shut down the activities and services provided by Zacchaeus House, as detailed by the Mountain Xpress [“A House Without a Home,” March 19]. As a past advocate for the homeless in Boston, I feel it’s safe to say that Asheville has a […]

Park it downtown

No more high-rise, brick, steel, parking lots or concrete! Please pay attention to what the citizens of Asheville want. [The city should] take the opportunity to do the right thing, and take the necessary steps to make the space in front of the Basilica of St. Lawrence a green park. We need City Council to […]

Get to work for Obama

As the primary season got underway earlier this year, we supported John Edwards for the Democratic presidential nomination. But as we watched the Iowa caucus returns on the evening of Jan. 3, we happened upon Barack Obama’s victory speech. As he spoke, a deep yearning was reawakened in each of us, a rekindling of a […]

Serving the community good

Your infant is running a very high fever and crying incessantly. Your aging father begins to forget familiar names. … Your husband complains that he has chest pains. Your toddler cuts her forehead deeply on the sharp corner of a table. You are feeling depressed and can’t shake it off. What do you do? If […]

Celebratin­g Fossil Fools Day

As the movement builds to end coal power across the country, so does the fight against Duke Energy’s expansion of the Cliffside coal-fired power plant in Rutherford County. More than a dozen grass-roots environmental groups are [pressuring] Duke Energy’s CEO Jim Rogers to stop the [new] 800-MW coal-fired [unit] at Cliffside. And both Richard Moore […]

Filling in the steep-slope equation

To build or not to build—that is the question. Activists say danger lurks on these steep slopes, and they have pictures to prove it. Developers say OK, but cost trumps safety. Developers and their local political enablers say there have been few deaths and not that much property destruction, and the cost of pre-construction site […]

Credit where due

Thanks for the review of the out-of-this-world music created by Ahleuchatistas [“Out of This World,” March 19]. I’ve been pleasantly disrupted and have enjoyed having my expectations thwarted by their music since before Vincent’s Ear was evicted—when the Asheville Global Report was still based in Asheville, and the ACRC [Asheville Community Resource Center] was alive […]

The fairest of the fair

I enjoyed reading your eco-wedding issue (Feb. 27). I appreciate Mountain Xpress featuring the growing trend of environmentally sensitive weddings. In your article “Green is Gold,” however, I was surprised and disappointed that [no local sources] were mentioned for eco-friendly flowers. I got all my wedding flowers at Earth Fare and was delighted with them. […]

Buckley’s 13th-century brilliance

A good deal of ink has been spilled in printing encomia to the recently departed William F. Buckley. In his later years, he came to positions that were somewhat in conflict with his earlier ones, but he started out as an unapologetic elitist. He was of the opinion, for instance, that insufficiently educated Southerners, both […]

It isn’t easy finding green

As proud as I am to be an Asheville native, I am disappointed at the minimal amount of green space found in our city, especially when compared to other cities I’ve visited. I urge local leaders to please consider maintaining and increasing the amount of park space in our lovely city. — David Koll Asheville

Increase the beauty

A small park in front of the Basilica of St. Lawrence will be a valuable asset to downtown Asheville by connecting the Basilica with the Civic Center and the northern entrance to downtown and by making this a perfect spot to contemplate the beauty of our city. Many call Asheville the Paris of the South […]

The future’s so bright

“It’s a wacky business we’re in, and nobody’s playing straight-up rock ‘n’ roll,” claims Shonna Tucker, bassist and occasional vocalist for the Drive-By Truckers. “It’s like, ‘Get out of your office, go have a drink and go rock out: You’ll feel better.’” Try a little tenderness: The Drive-By Truckers show a softer side on their […]

Turn the tables

While the DJ has long been accepted as a cultural icon, with turntablism now recognized as an art form unto itself, the actual techniques behind what a DJ does remain widely misunderstood by the public. As Columbus-via-Philadelphia’s RJD2 ascends from the underground hip-hop scene and vies for broader forms of creative expression, he provides a […]

Going ape for art

Feminism, always slippery, seems to get more complicated over time. In the 1960s and ‘70s, women burned their bras and left their kitchens for corporate boardrooms. Today, smart young career women approach gender stereotypes by quitting their jobs to be stay-at-home moms. And, since art follows life, some female artists remain in the safe, sociably-acceptable […]

Your food dollars at work

With spring now in full bloom, it’s time to make the transition to longer, sunnier days by putting winter daydreams into action and planning for the productive season. Fresh take: CSA farmer Frank Teneralli shows off an early season tomato. Photo By Ginger Kowal One of the most exciting things to look forward to at […]

A love supreme

I only recently started using the “L-word” when referring to land. When I worked in the land-conservation field, my co-workers were scientists—biologists and ecologists—who rarely mentioned love. Instead, they worked to substantiate the conservation values on the land they were evaluating for easements. But as Boston attorney Stephen Small, a national leader in today’s land-trust […]

When they start ganging up on you

I appreciate Brian Postelle’s article regarding gang activity [“The Writing on the Wall: APD Tracks Local Gangs,” Feb. 27]. I moved here from southern California a couple of years ago, and this brought back memories from many years ago. We started seeing “tagging” in the mid-80s, and at that time did not really take it […]

Showing Leicester the gate?

In general, I believe that my presence at these Asheville-versus-Leicester meetings is helpful because it makes them less partisan, but I suppose I may also be a hindrance if I prevent Leicester from compromising on area, leaving out my home, and thus risking the whole incorporation effort. As for drawing municipal boundaries, I was told […]