Eating in the middle

Any shrink worth his couch will tell you that healthy relationships require compromise. And for spouses or long-time cohabitants, middle ground is often fought for in the most dispiriting of theaters. Like the bathroom. (“I’ll close the toilet lid if you stop using my razor to shave your legs.”) Or the basement. (“I’ll throw out […]

Let’s make this about love

The letter writer highlighting “Mumpower’s Discrimination is Showing” [Jan. 30] was correct. I have this nagging inner voice that tells me to discriminate against political correctness, bullying by special interests, and those who confuse freedom of religion with freedom from religion. As regards retaining the name “Christmas Parade,” the facts tell us that most folks […]

One “Boss” per lifetime

I read, through teary eyes, Amy Rowling’s farewell to her family friend Bandit in the recent pet issue of your publication [“A Family Farewell: Saying Goodbye to Bandit,” Commentary, Jan. 23]. It was almost a perfect reenactment of my farewell to our family friend “Boss” (named after columnist Mike Royko’s biography, Boss, a book about […]

Law enforcemen­t needs public eye

I have to congratulate Mountain Xpress on the Jan. 23 cover’s front-page juxtaposition of a sheriff’s department plagued by corruption (“Medford released from jail”) with a political establishment unwilling to confront a systemic lack of accountability (“APD Chief: No oversight needed”) paints a vivid picture for your readers. I am a member of Citizens’ Awareness, […]

Making a joyful noise

Asheville’s 24-hour, complaint-based noise ordinance is so confining and open-ended that it is systematically shutting down some of Asheville’s most positive community events. As a local entertainer and DJ, I have seen the options for dance parties and music events reduced considerably over noise considerations. Call me crazy, but I consider holidays like Independence Day […]

Bagging the groceries

I recently noticed they have an informational pamphlet at Earth Fare about the environmental advantages of plastic bags over their paper counterparts. The true solution to this debate is to offer no bags at all to the customers—or in the case of the demanding yet uncaring yuppie, charge them a dollar a bag for each […]

Learn from this class

To all of you who have been relegated to second-class-citizen status by the Republicans—Katrina victims, the poor and middle class, African-Americans, gays and lesbians and those who are not religious-right Christians: I suggest you treat them the way they have treated us. Ignore them. And the best way to do that is to ignore them […]

Asheville Civitan Club

Asheville Civitan Club, Inc. has been serving Asheville and Buncombe County since 1921 as “builders of good citizenship in the Land of the Sky.” Civitan is a worldwide community-service organization, founded by a small group of businessmen in 1917 who met weekly to consider how they could improve their community. Civitan International was established in […]

Going clubbing

If you want to go faster, go by yourself. If you want to go farther, go with a group. Whatever your outdoor passion, there’s probably a club for you in Western North Carolina. But joining one won’t make you fit; rather, it’s your reward for being fit, and a great way to improve your skills […]

Saving hemlocks

Kent Priestley’s moving story [“Twilight of the Giants,” Jan. 9] about the fate of our Eastern hemlocks conflates two very different issues. While focusing on the admirable work of locating and documenting “specimen” hemlocks in the Southern Appalachians, the article also seems to endorse the position of large-scale use of chemical insecticides as a viable […]

Pet issue missed the mark

Gotta say I’m a little disappointed by your pet issue [“Animal Magnetism: The Pet Issue”]. I had been excited about seeing our local animal-welfare folks showcased for their avant-garde programs and positive, progressive thinking. Instead we got infomercials on couture pet clothes for your new Christmas-present puppy. Come on, a papillon? The Asheville poster-pet is […]

Animal-friendly? Then help!

I really enjoyed the Animal Magnetism pets issue of Mountain Express [Jan. 23]. There is a lot of good information on what is available in this area for people with pets, and also it’s nice to see how much people invest in their pets (time, love etc.). I found it very disturbing, though, that nothing […]

Footprints in the (lack of) snow

In the Jan. 23 Mountain X, there was a letter from Douglas Stronblotz [“Wipe Up That Footprint”] talking about “carbon footprints” and doubting whether global warming really exists. I don’t know much about carbon, greenhouse gasses or the science that surrounds this, but let me share what I do know. Firstly, the people of the […]

The other side of fur

Regarding Xpress’ article “Fur and Against” (Dec. 12, 2007), I would like to help expose the violent brutality of the fur industry. Whether a store markets fur coats or fur-trimmed garments, all fur represents needless animal mistreatment. An ethical company must draw the line at endorsing a product derived from extreme animal abuse. In a […]

Local ad nauseum

I used to think the girl who screamed at us about buying rugs was the most obnoxious person I had seen on television, but the old man who is screaming at us now about buying used cars has even her beat. It’s really creepy to see a man of his advanced age calling people “babeee.” […]

Arguing for the independen­ts

Let me start by saying I’m a registered independent, so the Democratic Party will probably not pick me to debate the Stompers [“The Liberal Smackdown Expands,” Letters, Jan. 16]. However, there is little to debate. The purpose of “the war on terror” is to grab and occupy [the source of] an antiquated fossil fuel. This […]

So owls don’t deliver mail?

Chad Nesbitt is some kind of genius. He can see things that thinking people just can’t understand. Few men possess his innate ability to brush aside superfluous niceties like intelligence and compassion in favor of more important matters, such as stomping things. Chad tells it like it is [“The Liberal Smackdown Expands,” Letters, Jan. 16]. […]