Asheville City Manager memo regulating Reid Thompson’s visits to city buildings

In this Nov. 6, 2007, memo, Asheville City Manager Gary Jackson informed Asheville resident Reid Thompson that due to “continued inappropriate behavior and comments to City staff on November 5, 2007 … you are prohibited from visiting all City owned buildings with a set appointment made with [the] City Manager’s Office and accompanied by an […]

Bobby Medford hearing

This official summary of former Sheriff Bobby Medford’s detention hearing includes reasons given by the U.S. Attorneys and Magistrate Dennis Howell for keeping Medford behind bars until his trial, including fears that he might intimidate witnesses. Click here to download a PDF file of the document.

Pushing back

From the outside, Push Skate Shop looks more or less like any number of other purveyors of skateboarder goods and fashions. But nestled in the very back of the store is a small, somewhat plain gallery. And, surprising as it may seem, Push Gallery always—and I do mean always—has interesting art. “Nice Lawn, Yankee, April […]

Do you see what I see?

With 2007 behind us, it’s worth taking a look back at the trends that have shaped Asheville’s art scene over the past 12 months. There have certainly been changes—promising art spaces have closed and talented artists have left town—but this is to be expected. (In fact, new galleries and fresh talent have already begun to […]

If only we’d known

Last fall, we rode our bicycles cross-country. We began in Astoria, Ore., and against all odds reached the Atlantic Ocean in Charleston, S.C., three months later. Like all trips of this scale, ours was a twisting, unpredictable journey for which we could never have been fully prepared. That said, we could have been a lot […]

Avoiding the post-holiday blues

Congratulations: You survived the holidays. You ate, drank and were merry; maybe you even found yourself snagged under the mistletoe. You rang in the new year with style and shared your resolutions with friends and family. But what about now? Feeling a bit overwhelmed by those overzealous New Year’s resolutions? Relax: It’s OK. Don’t let […]

Still standing after all these years

If you’ve driven or walked down Biltmore Avenue near Pack Square on a Friday evening between 5 and 6 p.m., you may have noticed a group of women, clad mostly in black, standing silent and still in our public square (or what’s left of it) displaying a large, hand-sewn banner. It reads “Women in Black […]

The gift that keeps on giving

Four years ago, as I spent hours canvassing West Asheville for [Council member] Brownie Newman, I thought I was increasing the total Buncombe housing supply—and resulting affordability—because of his (still-unfulfilled) promises to increase walkable, high-density housing in the city. I had some idea that he wasn’t big on similar housing near my farm, even though […]

Pwyll and the Celts

There seem to be many people in the Asheville area who claim affiliation to some form of paganism, and from both pagan and Christian communities in the area there are many who seem inspired by the idea of “the Celts,” so it is not surprising that writer Alli Marshall chose to retell the story of […]

Good ol’ stomp-and-chant

I don’t think I ever recall a challenge for a Spiritual Smackdown [“Let’s Have a Good Ol’ Stomp-and-Chant,” Letters, Dec. 26]—although I fear that someday some loony network will dream up such a premise for a reality show. But here it was, in the Mountain Xpress! In this corner: Lady Passion and her team of […]

On the 12th day of Christmas

I greatly enjoyed the article in the “Holiday Guide” about the 12 days of Christmas and the Feast of Epiphany [“The Twelfth Day, Revealed: Orthodox and Hispanic Faithful Revere the Epiphany over Christmas,” Dec. 5]. However, it does not have to be as foreign and exotic as the article might lead one to believe. The […]

Taking it to the bank

I had a disturbing experience recently during a telephone conversation with the customer service department at Wachovia Bank. Having considerable difficulty understanding the individual I was speaking to, I inquired as to the location of the call center. The individual would not state the location of the call center, only that it was Wachovia’s customer […]

Another look at voter confidence

I have not followed the debate over the congressional bill to require a verifiable paper trail for all voting machines (HR 811: The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act), so I was interested in [the recent] letter on the subject [“Heave Holt,” Dec. 12]. I was suitably alarmed by such statements as: “The bill is […]

Asheville needs more soup

With all the crap restaurants that have opened here, there is at least one ethnic base left uncovered: the delicious soup known as pho. It can be had in most major cities in America, but why not here? I would gladly trade in at least six sushi places and most of the teriyaki (or maybe […]

Put ‘em to this test

Choosing a person for the office of president of the United States is the most difficult decision that a citizen of America must make. The person I chose is of high quality in character, integrity, wisdom, knowledge, education, experience, and a love for our Creator, [the people] and for our nation—[some]one of obvious moral and […]

Stop the madness

Bush, a la his wrongful push into Iraq, is ignoring intelligence reports telling us Iran had abandoned its nuclear development back in 2003. He claims not to have known about the information until it was recently released. According to The Washington Post, he has known about it for months but has continued his saber rattling. […]

Love my country—ha­te my government

I recently saw this quote on a bumpersticker: “I Love My Country—But I Hate My Government.” Where does one acquire such a plaque? Sound bites define our apprehension of the news. In-depth anything seems to slink away from those who speak via the media. Yesterday’s news is all but forgotten. The lives of our friends […]

SEFCA’s 2007 Winners

The Southeastern Film Critics Association (SEFCA) named No Country for Old Men the Best Picture of 2007 in its 16th year of voting. The powerful crime thriller, based on Cormac McCarthy’s novel, earned a total of four awards, its other victories coming in the categories of Best Director (Joel and Ethan Coen), Best Adapted Screenplay […]

Kiwanis Club of Asheville

Presentation of Kiwanis check in support of Avery’s Creek scholastic chess program. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to serving the children of the world. Asheville Club President Tim Wagner says, “The Kiwanis Club of Asheville is an amazingly active group, which sponsors a wide variety of community-service programs focused on helping young […]