
Amid the swirling, clanging commercialism of Asheville’s art scene during tourist season, three young women are presenting work that invites contemplation. Nicole McConville, Alena Hennessy and Lindsay Pichaske are exhibiting their own works, and in some instances, works in which they have collaborated using shapes and ideas common to all three. Their show is called […]

Transformi­ng Asheville

“Lead me from darkness to light.” — Upanishadic prayer The deepening shadows of night have settled on the grounds of the Kenilworth Inn, near Biltmore Village. As I recline on a rocker overlooking the rich, almost tropical shrubbery surrounding this heritage site, my mind goes back to my native country, India. There is reason for […]

Let the holidays mean something

I just wanted to pass along a little story to those out there about the intent of this coming holiday season. Last night a 13-year-old boy went trick-or-treating in a popular West Asheville neighborhood full of lights and festivities. He was excited about his costume and for the thrill of the night. That was, until […]

This little piggy went south

It would be great if we could get the pigs and turkey facing in the right direction in Pack Square, that being south. The drovers were taking their animals south, not north as the current cut-out animals are headed. Perhaps the misdirection is an indication of how mixed up things are in Asheville sometimes. We […]

The not-so-free lunch

My nephew attends Vance Elementary. At the beginning of school, they sent home a form for free/reduced lunches. It was filled out and sent back in. His family is on Food Stamps, so the approval for free lunch was a given. Or so we thought. At the end of August, a note [was sent] home […]

Onward ho—to Greenville we go

In response to “No More Putting Up with Asheville” [Letters, Oct. 24]: I, for one, commend Mr. Montgomery [for] choosing to return to the place from which he came. Perhaps (in hopes) there are others of his mindset who could share in his wisdom and follow suit. I’ve heard many wonderful things about Greenville. Wasn’t […]

Wailin’ on Whalen

J. Patrick Whalen’s commentary [“Grow Up or Grow Out,” Oct. 10] held no surprises. What would you expect someone to say about The Ellington when his company stands to make a huge windfall on the property sale alone? No, all the rhetoric was there that we have come to expect—the point-by-point refutation of the opposition, […]

Walk on by

I am dismayed and disgusted at your firing Cecil Bothwell, and just after he had been chosen as best print journalist in the area. His investigative reporting has always been rock solid in its research. He has been one journalist that had not been coopted by crass commercialism, and surely you knew that. He is […]

It’s a matter of style

To all who read the letter “Practicing Community” [Oct. 24]: As one of the founders of Asheville Community Acupuncture, I would like to make an amendment. We were thrilled to see a fan had written in to spread the good news of our services, but we felt the letter was slightly insulting to other health […]

Xpress response was condescend­ing

As a faithful reader of the Mountain Xpress, I was shocked and disappointed by your firing of reporter Cecil Bothwell. I am stunned by your action and very concerned about the direction of your publication. Bothwell is a powerful part of what makes your paper “alternative” from the news perspective, and that is precisely what […]

Time for a new paper?

I am writing to express my shock over the decision to fire Cecil Bothwell. I feel like it is a very poor judgment [on the part of] the Mountain Xpress. Bothwell’s articles have helped to keep the Xpress distinguished from its numerous competitors. I hope I find his insights somewhere new very soon. — Rosetta […]

So persuade me

What on earth brought you to fire one of finest reporters/researchers in Asheville? Cecil Bothwell has served your paper and community extremely well, in my opinion. It just does not pass the smell test of good business judgment. Perhaps you could give me some insight into your reasoning and the benefit of your thinking in […]

Poor timing, poor decision

I find the firing of Cecil Bothwell laughable! What kind of publicity did you think it would get? I found out via an e-mail from a new resident in Asheville, who is appalled at the publisher’s decision. Cecil is a talented journalist and author who, I feel, will find it easy to become even more […]

“Best of” means nothing

I can’t believe this paper has fired its most popular reporter, especially after he won best reporter for the second year straight. This is a slap in the face to all your readers. It certainly means the annual “best of” event is just a ploy for marketing and doesn’t mean a thing. I never expected […]

The humorless truth

I thought it was a bad joke when I first heard that the Mountain Xpress had terminated its relationship with Cecil Bothwell. In my opinion, the decision makes no sense from a business or readership point of view. I’ve been in Asheville a little over a year and have come to greatly respect Cecil’s writing […]

Bothwell’s been a benchmark

I have been reading the Mountain Xpress for many years, and I have watched the quality of reporting and quality of stories develop to an outstanding level, and I attribute that partly to Cecil Bothwell’s being on the staff. I think he became a benchmark for reporters, and the reporters rose to a higher level. […]

Bothwell will be missed

I am shocked and confused about the firing of award-winning reporter Cecil Bothwell from Mountain Xpress. I have enjoyed the intelligence, wit and professionalism of his writing since I moved to Asheville. Without his contributions, the publication will be less worthy of my time and attention. — Sandra Pyeatt Arden