Rice Boy, revealed

Recently, the third volume of Evan Dahm’s Rice Boy series reached its conclusion, and Xpress spoke to Dahm about Rice Boy, his influences, web comics, and what the future holds for his creation, and the publication of his work—in Finland of all places.

CarePartne­rs Adult Day Services

Established in 1986, CarePartners Adult Day Services offers participants a safe and stimulating daytime environment. While many participants have some form of dementia, individuals with a wide variety of impairments come to Adult Day Services. Participants maintain their independence by remaining in their own homes, while having an opportunity to enjoy a variety of planned […]

ReCyclery spins into new digs

The Asheville ReCyclery—a nonprofit, volunteer-run bike shop that helps people repair their bikes by providing tools, recycled parts and repair assistance—is on the move for the seventh time in its four-year existence. The wheel deal: ReCyclery volunteer Kiesten Elliot helps unload bikes at the group’s new home behind the French Broad Food Co-op. photo by […]

Tricked Out in Westville

It’s the end of rush hour on a Thursday afternoon when a custom Acura—black and low-slung with glossy ground effects and a spoiler on the back so big it could double as a lunch counter—screeches into the parking lot of the Lowrider Shop. A seismic bass riff escapes from inside the car. The driver, a […]

Rental health

After four years of nearly constant touring with both his band The Rentals and as the original bassist for Weezer, Matt Sharp was tired. Uncool before it was cool: Having come undone from years of touring, ex-Weezer bassist Matt Sharp (with book at center) has decided to stake his hipster cred on The Rentals. Those […]

Against the odds

When they left New York for Asheville in 2003, drawn by stories of the creative and innovative spirit of Black Mountain College, Robert and Arlene Winkler arrived in the mountains with an idea. “Settle” by Marc Maiorana. A big idea. Bigger than any one gallery could hold, in fact. The Winklers wanted Asheville to have […]

Gallery Gossip

• BookOpolis is coming again! BookWorks in West Asheville is holding its annual exhibition of artist’s books, broadsides, original hand-printed posters and prints from Monday, Sept. 10, through Friday, Sept. 14. The exhibition is open to all artists working in any of these media. Several works will continue to be exhibited through December. Learn more […]

The heron’s roost

On the shores of Kenilworth Lake here in Asheville, we garden at about 2,200 feet above sea level. The summers are getting hotter, and the mild winters have lately been so mild that for the first time in my Asheville existence, we have bagworms on the branches (sounds almost like a line from a song). […]

Full circle

After spending time out West and Down Under, I drove back across country just in time to celebrate the 12th anniversary of my arrival in Asheville. Memories flashed through my mind: chugging up a steep mountain highway in my overloaded Nova (luckily at 2 in the morning); sharing a nice apartment with my grown kids, […]

Activists aren’t in it for money

I confess, I’m the blogger [mentioned in] “All Up in Your Grill” [Aug. 8]. When I read that article, I had to shake my head. In the year-and-a-quarter I’ve lived here and spent time with Stewart and Terri [David] at protests, I have never seen any hint of the hostility Stewart allegedly showed.  Ms. Barrett-Knopp’s […]

Shuler has a way to go

Congress voted on a few issues immediately before going on their recess for the entire month of August. I just wanted readers to know how their elected leaders voted on a few of the most important issues.  This will boggle the mind. The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act bill passed 83 to 14, but […]

Put it to rest

This is on the matter of the Israeli war-plane attack on SS Liberty in June, 1967. Brian Knopp (8/01) responded to a letter by Jerry Russom (7/18) and I would like to respond to Brian Knopp. Firstly, it is suspect that an event that took place exactly 40 years ago should become a heated debate […]

Now see this: the new West Asheville

Not a week goes by that I do not hear of valid concern regarding the ongoing development of West Asheville’s heavenly slice of our beloved city. While the influx of money is ostensibly a good thing, strengthening our city’s overall tax base, obvious hazards exist. How can West Asheville grow without losing its unique charm […]

Just what is our priority?

I wish to address an action that has placed a precious 100-year-old magnolia tree on death row. Global warming has recently become an incontestable reality. Finally we have had to acknowledge symptoms that were previously largely ignored. Coal-fired electric-generation plants and gasoline-powered vehicles produce carbon dioxide that negatively impacts our atmosphere. As responsible citizens, we […]

The point is “illegal”

We are trying to figure out the purpose of your article, “Two Boys, Two Worlds” [Aug. 22]. There are so many layers to all of this. Is your point that these children are being exploited? Well, yes they are, by the companies building high-end homes. Do you have a solution for the problem? These families […]

Still disappoint­ed with Xpress

I’ve been reading Mountain Xpress since the beginning, and Steve Shanafelt’s piece, “A Gardenburger for Your Thoughts” [June 28, 2000] was one of the worst articles ever printed. Thus, when I read “Letter From the Editors” [Aug. 1], I was pleased to learn that I was in good company. Steve was quoted as saying that […]

Crash course in developmen­t

I live on Grandview Drive, and I have a couple of clarifications for the article “Fanning the Flames” [Aug. 15]. First, our neighborhood is not Grandview—the new cookie cutter development. This is Grandview Drive, an established neighborhood where people have been living and raising families for decades. We did not come here from Florida to […]

WNC needs a patriot in Congress

In the dog days of early August 2007, our district congressional representative, Heath Shuler, sold our Fourth Amendment down the river. Mr. Shuler voted with his precious Blue Dog coalition of conservative Democrats, and with the congressional Republicans, for the Orwellian-named Protect America Act. The act gives George Bush legal powers—with extremely lax oversight and […]

The toes have it

Mr. Butckovitz [“Flags, Feet and Freedom,” Letters Aug. 22] doesn’t want to look at me barefoot “while eating a dinner that [he] paid for.” Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective), we live in a country where everyone has a right to freedom of expression, and that includes choice of attire, even if unconventional. But […]

Take a lesson from Atlanta

Reading [the Aug. 15 letters] about the B-52’s at Biltmore, I wasn’t surprised [at] how patrons were treated by the Biltmore security. Get real. This 40-something crowd paid good money to see a late ‘70s techno-pop band—granted, a band that pioneered a techno/rock/dance era with their party dance tunes. We weren’t there to witness the […]