Zappa it to me, baby

The mention of the name Frank Zappa brings to mind an image, not so much of a man, but of sheer musical lunacy. At first listen, Zappa’s discography consists of a bizarre combination of toilet humor, ‘50’s doo-wop, free jazz and heavy metal guitar. But upon closer inspection, Zappa’s music isn’t even that easy to […]

Saved from the wrecking ball

School boards seem to be, as a general rule, anti-preservationists. Given the choice between renovation and addition or demolition and new construction, they almost always choose the latter. When such sweeping changes are made, they often pass virtually unnoticed. But not always. School’s out: A partially restored classroom at the old Marshall High School. The […]

The divine gift

A little more than a decade ago, Philip Curry was paging through a dreary U.S. Coast Guard document when he had a revelation. Bucking the industry current: Astral Buoyancy founder Philip Curry models one of his company’s PFDs, filled with kapok, a natural fiber. photo by Jonathan Welch Examining Coast Guard documents is not unusual […]

Standing tall

High summer is all about abundance, and joe-pye weed, one of my favorite perennials, epitomizes this time of year. I’m especially fond of the ‘Gateway’ variety: A little shorter than the wildlings, it has wonderful dark stems. In contrast with such “normal” summer perennials as phlox and day lilies, joe-pye weed is a giant, bursting […]

Now’s the time

In late 2004, the Asheville Civic Center Commission sent City Council the first version of a white paper detailing the facility’s needs. The document laid out three key concerns that had to be addressed to protect the city’s investment and maintain the Civic Center’s standing as one of the region’s major economic and cultural engines. […]

Kitties and copperhead­s

When we moved to our mountaintop enclave in Black Mountain five years ago, we decided to get a cat. After some research, we concluded that a Bengal—a cross between an Asian leopard cat and a tabby—would be a good choice for a mountain cat because of their strength, tenacity, camouflage coat and genetic proclivity for […]

Sweet-and-sour government

First, it was free rent for decades, with a six-month don’t-tell-the-public gift from the county, for the Woodfin energy plant. And now it’s 50 percent off assessed land value and another 50 percent off the land price for the county-owned Pack Square land, with another six months don’t-tell-the-public-until-construction-starts gift. Whoever is putting these deals together […]

Keep them coming!

After reading the article “Flag Fight” [Xpress, Aug. 1], I just felt compelled to write this letter. I wish first of all to congratulate the writer of the piece, David Forbes, for his excellent journalism skills. You are among a very small and elite group of writers who are good enough to claim the title […]

What the flag really represents

Fascism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce etc., and emphasizing aggressive nationalism and often racism ( Though it may surprise many of my friends, this is the first letter of this kind that I have ever written. Many events transpire in our […]

Foot-in-store is no disease

There was some talk recently about how many downtown merchants lose business during Bele Chere. I can easily see why. I have found that many downtown businesses that pretend to be so hip and artsy are in fact pretentious, arrogant and hostile to certain people who may choose to dress differently from the norm. This […]

Just another neighborly day

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a neighborly day in the neighborhood—could you be my neighbor? Hey, boys and girls, can you say “23-story high-rise eyesore in the middle of downtown Asheville? Sure, ya can. And boys and girls, can you say “Shame on Nathan (Conflict-of-Interest) Ramsey and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, […]

Xpress is on the job

Congratulations to Mountain Xpress for having won “a slew of new awards” [“Letter From the Editors,” July 5]. I very much enjoy reading the Xpress, particularly the letters to the editor and the interesting range of advertising. I especially enjoy the fact that many of the articles I read are evergreen to me, in that […]

Conscious advertisin­g preferred

I have been a fan of your paper for years and I am just getting to know your wonderful Web site. I think you are doing a huge disservice to your readers and to our community by allowing certain advertisements to be displayed on your Web site. Google-generated advertisements that feature such glamorous proclamations as […]

Sen. Dole in rare company

The recommendations of the 9/11 Commission just finally passed the Senate, after five years of the report being ignored. Only eight senators voted against it, one of them being North Carolina’s Elizabeth Dole. Dole continually claims to be in the party of National Security, yet she voted against screening cargo, against protecting potential terrorist [targets] […]

Shock and awe?

I was astounded to read the Mountain Xpress article [“Flag Fight,” Aug. 1] about the Buncombe County Sheriff’s deputy who doesn’t understand the United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights—the first of which guarantees citizens the right to freedom of expression. Oh, wait! There’s a local ordinance. Too bad. Federal law takes precedence over […]

Officials should take the next step

We have read with great concern the articles about the [alleged] breaking and entering of a resident’s house in West Asheville. We regret was has happened to the Kuhns, and we stand with them. Above and beyond that, we are appalled that a Buncombe County official could [allegedly] break into and enter a resident’s house […]