What our developmen­t really needs

So development here is happening at a break-neck pace. What’s so scary and disappointing is that many people have [bought] and are buying into the hype without thinking through the implications of development in our region. We’ve got serious infrastructure issues that beg the question, “Do we really want them to come?” 1. No economy. […]

I fail to see the humor

Interesting how David Cohen admonished Stewart and Terri David in his letter [“Humor With That?”, Feb. 28] for lacking a sense of humor when it comes to the subject of the unspeakable suffering of innocent animals. The Davids, as many of us are aware, remain tireless in their commitment to expose to a largely misinformed […]

Gimme a break!

I was amused by the clearly tongue-in-cheek letter from the lady threatening to eat a Big Mac [“Fries With That?”, Feb. 28] if some vegans didn’t stop writing their drivel about the joys of eating veggies. Put your hand on the organic carrot, and be saved. There was a [subsequent] firestorm criticizing her for advocating […]

When will we put safety first?

In 1998, an urgency statute titled the Natural Hazards Disclosure Act was passed in California, recognizing that existing regulatory incomformity and lack of oversight were allowing developers to construct homes, roads and other buildings in hazardous areas, substantially increasing the probability of disasters. The act defined natural-hazard areas as zones of required investigation, meaning that […]

Arts For Life

Artwork by an adolescent patient. Arts For Life is a nonprofit that brings the arts to young patients battling cancer and other serious illnesses, improving the lives and healthcare experiences of hundreds of children and adolescents each year by teaching visual arts, music and creative writing. Recently a young boy undergoing chemotherapy who sat working […]

What a town without pity can do … for us

In the beginning, Elvis hips and Jagger lips drove the kids wild. They drove preachers and PTAs even wilder, and they responded with vinyl-burning pogroms and fire-and-brimstone sermons about the decline of Western civilization. Ettes front woman Lindsay “Coco” Hames will do anything to please you. They feared what a Catholic cardinal at the time […]

Reading the bones

Shakespeare must have been looking out his window in February when he wrote, “Now is the winter of our discontent.” As I write this, we’ve had four weeks of well-below-average temperatures. The ground is frozen with a layer of snow, and worst of all, the wind sweeping down from Saskatchewan is gusting at 35 mph. […]

Celebratin­g women

As young women at Warren Wilson College, we want to draw attention to International Women’s Day, fast approaching on March 8, as well as Women’s History month as a whole. March 8 presents the opportunity to commemorate and honor the work, history and lives of women across the world. Women’s Day has been officially celebrated […]

Hold it right there

Thank you to the Xpress for covering the important issues of slope and ridge-top development and land-use planning (or lack thereof) in Asheville and Buncombe County. While recent piecemeal, stopgap ordinances (steep slope, storm water, subdivision) are good starts, what we really need is a comprehensive plan for the county, regulations on slope and ridge-top […]

A one-way vent

As I was walking to work recently, heading down Walnut [Street] by the parking decks, a car … pulled into the intersection from Rankin Street and started to turn up Walnut, [heading] the wrong way on a one-way street. Having seen plenty of tourists and lost drivers attempt to navigate downtown, I let [the driver] […]

Where did my Asheville go?

Sixty-four years ago, I discovered Asheville’s natural beauty and charm by sheer accident while a soldier stationed at a nearby camp. The memory of Asheville’s magic never left my mind—the mountains clothed by green trees, friendly climate, and hard-working people. Since returning to Asheville more than four years ago to live, I’ve been shocked by […]

Co-ops mean democracy

I am writing in regard to the Buzzworm article [“On Haywood: Failure Is Not An Option,” Feb. 21] about the Haywood Road Market. The article states that what the co-op offers is a chance for members (owners) to build a community. Cooperatives are fundamentally much more than that. They are a different model of business […]

Zoning promotes racism and sprawl

Zoning, as proposed for Buncombe [County on] April 10, is still exclusionary and racist and thus consistent with Asheville’s history of overtly racial zoning. The understanding that racism is inherent to zoning is demonstrated by the opposition of African-American communities and other communities of color in both unzoned Houston and Asheville. The Houston opposition is […]

Picking fights in Madison County

What’s at stake in the Laurel Valley area of Madison County is at the heart of Madison County for years to come. It represents the changing of the guard in the county. Nearby counties such as Buncombe and Haywood, with various organizations, contribute to the debate and have a voice in the process of real […]

Who defines “dialogue”­?

It’s very clear to anyone who reads Mountain Xpress or the Asheville Citizen-Times that there is a very vocal segment of the public hereabouts that doesn’t eat meat and thinks nobody else should either. I’m OK with that. What I’m not OK with is the fact that some of these folks are now advocating that […]

Animals deserve basic rights

I was disappointed to read a letter [“Fries With That?”, Feb. 14”] that displayed such an extreme lack of intelligence and compassion, in my opinion. There was a great deal of tension felt from the woman who wrote the letter towards animal-rights activists and nonhuman animals, as well. I have never understood that level of […]

Keeping cruelty in the spotlight

In response to Nina Smith’s meat-eating-frenzy threat [“Fries With That?”, Feb. 14], I’d like to call her bluff. I doubt that she needs any provocation to eat a McMurder double Q.P. I’d raise that bet to say she looks for reasons to consume vast quantities of unsuspecting creatures (it was her first response, faced with […]

Recognize your assets

As a frequent visitor (and a hopeful retiree in two years) to your area, I love reading the Mountain Xpress, especially the periodic thoughtful comments of Stewart David. He encourages us to rethink our food choices, urging us all forward to make this a more humane world. I was appalled beyond words that Nina Smith […]

The vegetarian drama

I would like to thank the Mountain Xpress for printing Nina Smith’s letter (“Fries With That?”, Feb. 14). Although I personally don’t really care what another person chooses to eat, I do find the constant correspondence between the meat eaters and the veggies quite entertaining. It seems to follow a very predictable, yet humorous script: […]

Thought for food

I am a recent import to Asheville and came here because I wanted to live in a small town that was progressive. My previous home was Denver, Colorado, and I’m originally from Wales. I must say that I am delighted with this area! The welcome my husband and I have received has been exceptional. I’m […]