A-B Tech culinary team prepping for 13th run at national title

Press release from A-B Tech:

A-B Tech’s student culinary team will pack up and leave soon for a national competition set for July 25-28 in Las Vegas. As part of the American Culinary Federation’s National Convention, the team will compete for a record 13th time. A-B Tech has sent more competition teams to the ACF Nationals than any other culinary program in the country.

Biltmore had sponsored the team by donating food items to the team’s fundraising barbecue event in support of the team’s travel expenses to the competition. Additionally, Biltmore’s executive chef Mark DeMarco provided kitchen space for the students to practice for the competition.

Members of the culinary team are Roman Nourse (captain), Emmer Moraza Rodriguez, Michael Tan, Christy Greer and Josh Waters. The team manager is Jason Gray. Waters, Moraza, and Nourse are returning from the 2021 team. The team hopes to bring home the second national title for the college. The first one was won in 2007.

“Biltmore is truly an exceptional industry partner in so many ways. They have invested substantial resources into our programs through time, money, and in-kind donations. These have made a tremendous difference in the lives of our students, many of whom have gone on to work for the Biltmore and develop very successful careers there,” said Cathy Horton, Director of The Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality and Department Chair for Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management. “

“This Hot Food Team has worked incredibly hard on a very ambitious menu in anticipation of heading to Las Vegas,” said team coach Chef Stephen Hertz. “This team being my first one as head coach is an honor to lead. They are such a strong group of aspiring chefs. The journey and growth I have observed of these students over the past seven months have been a true inspiration.”

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