A-B Tech to Reopen on Monday, October 28

Press release from A-B Tech:

A-B Tech Community College Reopening Set for October 28,
All Academic, Continuing Education and Adult Education Programs to Resume
A-B Tech Community College will reopen for all students and programs on Monday, October 28, following a month-long closure due to impacts from Hurricane Helene. The college has power, non-potable water, and internet at all locations, and will resume both in-person and online instruction across its academic, continuing education, and adult education classes.
In communications to employees and students, A-B Tech directed students and employees to monitor text alerts, email and the Moodle learning management system for details about classes, formats and schedule changes. A-B Tech’s Emergency Services, Allied Health and Nursing cohorts, as well as some Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, have already resumed.
A-B Tech also is conducting online well-being surveys of students and employees to get a better understanding of how they were personally impacted by Helene. “We’re excited to welcome everyone back, but the safety and well-being of our students and employees will continue to be our top priority,” said A-B Tech President John Gossett.
For more information and community resources, visit abtech.edu/helene-recovery or monitor A-B Tech Facebook and Instagram pages for daily updates.
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