Agenda for AB Air Quality Board Meeting, Sept. 10

Press release from Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency:

Enclosed, please find the Agenda for the Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency Board meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 4:00pm in the meeting room located at the Buncombe County Permit Office at 30 Valley Street, Asheville, NC 28801.

This meeting will be live streamed on Engage Buncombe which can be accessed at The board meeting documents will also be available on the Engage Buncombe site. The meeting will be recorded and can be viewed later.




1. Public Comment Protocol Announcement

2. Adjustment and Approval of Agenda

3. Consent Agenda:

A. Approval of minutes from July 11, 2024

4. Unfinished Business:


5. Director’s Report:

A. Air Quality Staffing Update

B. New Board Member Orientation Document

C. 35 Woodfin Update

D. Rules update -Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Program

E. DAQ PM Update

F. Monitoring Update

G. EPA Thriving Communities Subgrants

H. Update on Upcoming City Appointed Board Vacancy

I. Facility Permit Modifications

Facility Name: New Belgium Brewing Company, Inc.
Type of Facility: Beer Brewing Facility
Facility Classification: Synthetic Minor
Location: 91 Craven Street, Asheville
Changes from Existing Permit: Replacing burners in the boilers to allow facility to combust biogas in addition to natural gas

6. New Business:


7. Other Business:

A. Legal Counsel Report

B. Advisory Committee Report 1. August 15, 2024 meeting

C. Calendar

1. Next meeting November 14, 2024

D. Announcements

8. Public Comment

9. Adjournment

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