Asheville to hold first Arts and Science Festival


Press release from Asheville Arts & Science Festival:

ASHEVILLE — Members of the Asheville Arts and Science Festival founding committee announced that it would host a festival event focused on the arts and science — and convergence of the two —  on March 31, from noon until 6 p.m. The festival, designed for adults, families and kids of all ages, will be held both indoors and outdoors at Salvage Station in Asheville and is free and open to the public.

This first Arts and Science Festival to be held in Asheville will provide a combination of fun activities demonstrating art and science in action to demystify the day-to-day practice of and synergy between these disciplines. It will feature virtual reality, the world of insects, visual arts, telescopes and astronomy fundamentals, environmental stewardship, puppets, arts and crafts activities, local musical favorites, Pierce Edens and the UNCA X-Tet modern jazz group, food and beverages from Salvage Station, and much more. Festival parking at the Salvage Station is free.

“This event began as a small group of passionate scientists, teachers, and artists excited about their fields and anxious to instill a love for them in the hearts and minds of the community. Now almost nine months later, we are excited about the response we have received from the art and science community and the community at large. This festival brings the community together in an environment conducive to experiential learning while having fun,” said Jason York, who spearheads the planning and development for the festival.

Event participants will be able to mingle with and learn from representatives of UNC-Asheville, The Asheville Astronomy Club, Mountain Valley’s Resource Conservation and Development, Woodson Branch Nature School, Zaniac Learning, Asheville Museum of Science, Penrose Environmental, and local artists, Wildscape and Jackie Rubino.

According to York, “The real mission of the Asheville Arts and Science Festival is to provide an opportunity for citizens of all ages to interact with artists and sciences in our community. Our intention is for this festival to become an annual event that supplements and enriches our education, providing encouragement for members of the community to pursue creative solutions to the challenges of our modern world.”

About the Asheville Arts and Science Festival 

Begun by a group of scientists, artists and teachers, the Asheville Arts and Science Festival is in its first year of operation, and will kickoff its first event on March 31, 2018. With a mission driven by the need for communities to become more involved in and aware of the worlds of art and science they live in, the festival provides the perfect combination of active, hands-on, “I can do it” activities with “Show me how it works” experiences with experts in their fields.


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