Bumpy I-40 lane closing for repair in Buncombe County

Press release from N.C. Department of Transportation:

A notoriously bumpy stretch of Interstate 40 in Buncombe County will be smoothed out soon.

A contractor for the N.C. Department of Transportation will begin a project to repair the left lane of I-40 West between the I-26/I-240 interchange and Smoky Park Highway (Exit 44) on Wednesday night with a full-time lane closure starting Monday.

Contract crews will install nightly lane closures from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. each night through Sunday in order to remove existing pavement markings ahead of a traffic shift.

Starting Monday, traffic will be shifted several feet to the right and the inside lane will be closed until repairs are complete, which is slated for the week of Thanksgiving, pending weather or other delays.
Transportation officials advise drivers to plan ahead and account for delays during trip preparation, especially during morning and evening commuting hours.

This scheduled operation will extend the service life of the interstate until all lanes are upgraded and another lane is added as part of the I-26 Connector project.

“We know this lane has been bumpy, so we need to repair that, and we will also need that lane in good condition for the upcoming construction work,” Division 13 Assistant Construction Engineer Jody Lawrence said. “We do anticipate backups during peak hours for the next few weeks. But it’s a much better plan than temporary lane closures all through winter and into the spring.”

Harrison Construction will perform repairs on this 1-mile section for $2 million dollars as a supplemental agreement to an adjacent project on I-40.

Transportation officials advise drivers to slow down, remain alert and follow all posted signs in the work zone and while approaching the area from I-240 West or I-26 West which may also see delays during commuting hours due to this construction.

For real-time travel information, visit DriveNC.gov or follow NCDOT on social media.

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