News release from Buncombe County:
February is Black History Month, and in celebration, Commissioner Martin Moore read the 2025 Black Legacy Month Proclamation. The proclamation celebrates the rich and diverse cultures of Black people in America and in Buncombe County. The full proclamation can be viewed here.Update on Community Development Block Grant Neighborhood Revitalization
As required by the N.C. Department of Commerce Rural Economic Development Division, commissioners heard an update on the Community Development Block Grant – Neighborhood Revitalization (CDBG-NR) activities. CDBG-NR funds support the Buncombe County Home Repair Program for low- and moderate-income homeowners outside the City of Asheville. Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity has requested to exit this agreement with Buncombe County due to their ability to support this activity with other funding sources. County staff requested that the funds be redirected to Leading ARCHR, a local non-profit home repair provider group currently responding to Helene created emergency repair needs. By utilizing the CDBG-NR funding, Leading ARCHR anticipates completing of all home repairs previously identified and can leverage other funding sources and based on emergent needs. See the full presentation here.Rezoning Land from Residential to Commercial on Long Shoals Road
The Board approved a rezoning request from Bobby Haney, Suzanne Mossburg, Outdoor impressions LLC, Michael Schmitt, Sharon Anderson Tolley, and Kermit Tolley, rezoning 5.7 acres consisting of eight parcels on Long Shoals Road from the current R-1 and R-2 zoning to CS zoning. The rezoning is consistent with the Buncombe County 2043 Comprehensive Plan. See the full presentation here.New Business
In new business, the Board of Commissioners denied a tax refund request for Delta Express & Carolina Transportation in the amount of $216,719.40. The request is not related to the storm but stems from property being listed as business personal property rather than public service. Public-service property valuation is managed by the State and uses a different valuation methodology. The denial aligns with NCGS § 105-381.The Board also approved purchase costs for three conservation easements as well as an agricultural growth zone grant. Following a request from the Agricultural Advisory Board, the Board approved 50% of purchase costs for three conservation easement projects totaling $1,394,500.
The projects consist of:
- Kestrel Herb Farm, +/- 70 acres in Sandy Mush – $259,000
- Sandy Hollar Farm, +/- 150 acres in Sandy Mush – $760,000
- Battle Forest, +/- 167 acres in Candler – $375,500
The Board of Commissioners previously approved transaction costs related to these three easements out of the annual Conservation Easements funding in the Special Projects Fund. The County has also been awarded $1,945,443 from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture for conservation easement transaction and purchase costs. This grant has a required match of $2,345,443, which will be obligated by ordinance. All projects funded by this grant will come to the Board of Commissioners at future meetings for individual approval. These items align with the 2025 Strategic Plan Goal: Preserve farmland and environmentally sensitive tracts.
Speaking in support, Commissioner Terri Wells said: “This speaks to the work of staff and the Board to obtain the State’s largest grant for this kind of program. It also speaks to the commitment of those landowners who have waited patiently to make conservation a reality for our community.”
Legislative Priorities Discussion
Legislative Lobbyist, Ward and Smith, facilitated a conversation with the Board on the County’s legislative priorities. The prevailing focus is on Helene recovery and is divided into three focus areas.Buncombe County’s Hurricane Helene funding requests remain in flux, and revenue losses have already impacted public services, including libraries and education. Securing direct funding for Buncombe County Government remains a priority to address the complexities of recovery and the unique needs of Buncombe County. The County is advocating for permanent housing solutions, reconstruction, the use of underutilized state-owned land for new housing, and funding repairs through a block grant model. Funding for Emergency Watershed Protection program cost-share funding will also be essential to assist landowners with engineering and permitting fees for repairing devastated farmland and streams.
Key policy priorities include delaying the equalization of public service companies due to FY25 property revaluation and allocating increased resources for mental and behavioral health, including support for emergency responders and law enforcement.
The Board identified five appropriation priorities:
- Increased state funding for K-12 and community college salaries
- Creation of a forgivable loan model to support small business recovery loans
- Funding for septic repairs and the Candler Extension project along with redundancy and water system extensions
- Increased State funding for emergency vehicles, equipment, and facilities
- Reimbursement for the $300,000 state-mandated school consolidation study completed in 2023
Learn more about the County’s legislative priorities here.
Underscoring the importance of engaging the community in these important discussions, Commissioner Moore stated, “We appreciate the opportunity to have this discussion and to provide transparency to our community about our top priorities and why we need to advocate for these priorities in the legislative arena.”
In community news, residents are invited to attend the One Buncombe Recovery Resources events happening throughout the county. The next event is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, at the Owen High School Cafeteria. Additional events will take place on Tuesday, February 25, at the Reynolds High School Cafeteria, and Thursday, February 27, at the Leicester Community Center. All events run from 5–7 p.m. More information on the Recovery Resources Series can be found here.
For more information or to view the agenda, go to To view this or any Board of Commissioners meeting, go to
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