Buncombe County Fire Marshal issues burn ban, disaster recovery updates

News release from Buncombe County:

Buncombe County Fire Marshal has issued an open burn ban effective immediately due to extreme fire danger conditions, including low humidity and strong winds. The ban applies to all open burning of yard waste, debris, and land-clearing burns. However, it does not include small fires (under three feet in diameter) in pits, barbecue grills, cooking and warming fires, or chimeneas.

The ban remains in effect until Friday at 9 a.m. but may be extended as conditions are monitored. Additionally, the ban does not impact North Carolina-permitted, controlled, and attended fires more than 100 feet from a structure. Open burning remains prohibited in all municipalities, including within Asheville city limits and burning anything other than vegetation is never allowed.

Disaster Recovery Updates
Two state programs, one new and another extended, are aimed at supporting residents recovering from Hurricane Helene:

  • Private Road and Bridge Program: Residents with a private road, culvert, pipe, or bridge that was damaged by Tropical Storm Helene, may be eligible for assistance through North Carolina’s Private Road and Bridge Program. Residents are encouraged to complete the interest form at ncdps.gov/Helene/PRB. This program is separate from FEMA assistance and is administered by North Carolina Emergency Management.
  • Disaster Unemployment Assistance: The deadline to apply has been extended to April 7. This program is available to business owners, self-employed individuals, and farm workers. Applications can be submitted online at des.nc.gov or by calling 919-629-3857 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Debris Removal Updates

  • New Map Tool and Reporting Concerns: As final passes for public right-of-way debris removal continue throughout March, residents can now track progress in their area using the Debris Collection Zone Map. The county is divided into eight color-coded zones, and crews are moving from west to east. Residents can enter their address in the search bar to check the status of debris removal in their zone. Note, this only monitors public right-of-way debris removal. Residents who applied for Private Property Debris Removal and have concerns about the work that was done on your property after it was completed, can email the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at DLL-CESAW-NC-Helene-PPDR@usace.army.mil, they can also call the One Buncombe Call Center at 828-250-6100 and select option 2.
  • Private Property Debris Removal: Residents who missed the March 1 deadline to place debris on the public right-of-way or need assistance can apply for the Private Property Debris Removal Program by April 15. About 1,100 private properties in Buncombe County have had debris removed and/or demolition completed on their property for free.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Report: Within Buncombe County and Asheville, crews have cleaned up over 1.5 million cubic yards of debris and removed 120,000 tons of soils and sediment. Operations include 50 crews working in the waterways, 40 on Private Property Debris Removal, and 100 crews on right-of-way debris removal.
  • Safety reminders: please keep away from active debris removal operations. Disaster debris removal work requires heavy construction-type operations, and many dangers are present in these work areas.

Buncombe County Parks & Recreation Updates  Eight parks remain closed: Charles D. Owen Park, Karpen Soccer Field, Collier Cove Nature Preserve, Alexander River Park, Walnut Island River Park, Bent Creek River Park, Glen Bridge River Park, and Ledges Whitewater Park. For resident’s safety and to allow crews to work, please do not enter parks that are closed. Parks and Recreation does not recommend use of the river at this time.

There is not currently a timeline on when waterway debris clean-up will be complete in County parks. Cleaning up the river is a complex, multi-faceted operation, and we must give our partners the space they need to do their work. Residents should check the County website before heading to a park to ensure that its open.

Parks will be working with FEMA over the next three weeks to conduct site visits for damage assessment in all Buncombe County Park locations.

While some parks remain closed Spring programming is in full swing.

  • CORE: Every Tuesday through the month of May, the Community Outreach Recreation Experiences team at Grovemont Park in Swannanoa has kids’ games and activities from 3-5 p.m.
  • Earth Day Clean Up: Lake Julian Park on Tuesday, April 22
  • Spring Festival: games, crafts, boat tours, and more on Saturday, April 26 at Lake Julian Park.

In addition to hikes, fishing tournament, and a canine egg hunt, a new program includes the 55+ Club, with the first meeting including a walk and boat tour at Lake Julian on Wednesday, April 2.

You can find the details of all programs and events at www.buncombecounty.org/parks.

Important Recovery Programs, Resources, and Deadlines

Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program: Property owners experiencing erosion or structural threats due to Hurricane Helene can seek assistance through the USDA’s EWP Program. Eligible reports will be reviewed, and site inspections are currently underway. To apply, fill out the Report Damage form at the top of buncombecounty.org or call 828-250-6100.

Disaster Assistance Deadlines: Residents should be aware of key upcoming deadlines:

  • April 7: FEMA Individual Assistance & Disaster Unemployment Assistance
  • April 15: Private Property Debris Removal Program
  • April 27: SBA Physical Damage Loan Deadline
  • June 30: SBA Economic Injury Application Deadline

Disaster Energy Assistance: Funding is still available for energy assistance related to Helene recovery, including utility costs and home heating repairs. Apply in person at 40 Coxe Avenue or by phone at 828-250-5500 (Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.).

Disaster Case Management Program: Provides one-on-one support for accessing recovery resources such as housing, employment, transportation, mental health services, and other needs. To apply, call 844-746-2326 or complete the intake form at www.ncdps.gov/helene/dcm.

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program: Homeowners affected by floodwaters and landslides can apply for assistance through this voluntary state program, designed to improve property resilience. To learn more and apply, visit buncombeready.org or call 828-250-6100 (option 3).

Community Care Stations: Due to low usage, the Morgan Hill location has closed and today is the last day the Reynolds Ingles location is open. The Owen Pool location remains open with showers, laundry, water, and bathrooms available. Hours: Weekdays 9 a.m.–9 p.m., Weekends 7 a.m.–7 p.m.

Stay Informed

For the latest recovery updates, visit engage.buncombecounty.org/buncomberecovers.

For any Helene-related questions, contact the One Buncombe Call Center at 828-250-6100 (Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.).

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