City Council approves submission of Annual Action Plan to support affordable housing, economic development and more

Press release from City of Asheville:

On February 28, 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the 2023-2024 formula allocations for the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership programs. With Council’s approval on May 9, the City’s FY 23-24 Annual Action Plan can now be submitted to HUD.

CDBG and HOME are federal grant programs that provide grant funds for eligible projects to create affordable housing for low-income households and support community development activities to build stronger and more resilient communities.

CDBG funds support housing and community development activities within the City of Asheville. HOME funds support affordable housing activities within the four-county Asheville Regional Housing Consortium including Buncombe, Madison, Transylvania, and Henderson counties.


The City was awarded $1,034,817 in CDBG funding and estimates $72,000 in Program Income.  The total amount of CDBG funding available is $1,106,817.

The Asheville Regional Housing Consortium, via the City, was awarded $1,318,357 in HOME funding and has received $428,019 in Program Income.  In addition, prior year HOME funding resources have been rolled forward into the funding available for the 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan funding recommendations for a total of $2,696,376.


Recommended Use of CDBG Funds


Recommended Funding

The SPARC Foundation – Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) and Strong Fathers $24,737
Helpmate, Inc – Emergency Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors $23,736
Haywood Street Congregation – Haywood Respite $18,900
Pisgah Legal Services – Homelessness Prevention $35,750
OnTrack Financial – Housing and Financial Capabilities $25,000
Homeward Bound of Western North Carolina – Coordinated Entry $37,900
Mountain BizCapital, Inc. dba Mountain BizWorks – Expanding Access to Small Business Training, Coaching and Capital for Low Income Entrepreneurs $162,500
Helpmate, Inc – Case Management for DV Survivors $65,000
Carolina Small Business Development Fund – Opportunity Asheville $135,000
Homeward Bound of Western North Carolina – Housing Services $108,150
Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity – Affordable Home Repairs $94,500
Contingency- City of Asheville Community Center Improvements $154,281
CDBG Program Administration $221,363
Total $1,106,817



Recommended Use of CDBG-CV Funds


Recommended Funding

Helpmate, Inc – COVID Court Advocacy and Shelter Services $70,600
Helpmate, Inc – Emergency Shelter COVID-19 Operation Costs $102,557.10
Pisgah Legal Services – COVID-19 Eviction Prevention Project $20,000
Total $193,157.10



Recommeded Use of HOME Funds


Recommended Funding

Commonwealth Development – Fairhaven Meadows (Transylvania County) $350,000
Community Housing Coalition – Housing Replacement (Madison County) $110,000
Community Housing Coalition – Rural Rehabilitation (Madison County) $175,000
Helpmate, Inc – Rental Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors (Buncombe) $157,000
Henderson County Habitat for Humanity – Dodd Meadows Phase 6 (Henderson) $160,000
LDG Development – Meribel (Buncombe) $500,000
WDT Development – The Villas at Haywood (Buncombe) $299,702
Mountain Housing Opportunities – Lakeshore Villas – CHDO project (Buncombe) $750,000
HOME Program Administration $174,637
22-23 Helpmate –  Rental Assistance for DV Survivors (Buncombe) $19,737 (additional allocation to bring the previous year award up to $170,000)
Total $2,696,376
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