City Council public hearings set for June 27

Press release from City of Asheville:

The following are public hearings scheduled for the next formal meeting – June 27. This listing is for information only and is subject to change. Please call City Clerk Maggie Burleson at 259-5601 if you have any questions.

A. Public hearing to permanently close an unopened right-of-way adjacent to 26, 30, 34 and 38 Sunrise Drive.

B Public hearing to amend a conditional use permit for 509 Biltmore Avenue for the purpose of increasing the amount of allowed signage.

C. Public hearing to conditionally zone 319 Biltmore Avenue from Regional Business District to Residential Expansion/Conditional Zone.

D. Consideration of a resolution to consider approving a land use incentive grant to Aston Flats LLC for 231 residential units at 46 Aston Street. – This public hearing will be continued to July 25, 2023.

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