Code Purple emergency shelter called for Friday and Saturday April 8-9

Press release from Asheville Homeless Coalition

Code Purple is called Friday and Saturday, April 8-9, 2022.

Bus fare to and from emergency shelter will continue at no cost.

ABCCM Costello House will be available for men at 141 Hillside St., Asheville, NC, 28801. It will be available from 4 p.m. throughout the night; law enforcement and paramedic escorts after hours. Call 259-5314 for more information. A shuttle will be available between 4:30-5:30 p.m. at 24 Cumberland Ave.

Jubilee Community Church at 46 Wall Street will be available for women. Please use the Patton Ave. entrance (next to Jack of the Wood). Entry for overnights is 5-6 p.m. with 10 person cap. Law enforcement or paramedics may escort after hours. A warming center is available 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday and 1-4 p.m. on Sunday. Call 490-0444 for more information.

Shelters hosting children are not able to host registered sex offenders. To avoid confusion at the shelter door, please check the client’s sex offender status and call the shelter to make sure an individual is not banned from their facility and that overflow space remains available.

Contact 2-1-1 (828-252-HELP if outside of the 828 area code) for additional information or APD’s non-emergency line, 828-252-1110, for police assistance.

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