Safe Haven will be an emergency shelter operating 24/7 and year-round with 36 beds for single women, women with children and up to two intact families.

Safe Haven will be an emergency shelter operating 24/7 and year-round with 36 beds for single women, women with children and up to two intact families.
“I can only say that as a society, it would be to everyone’s benefit if we could live with and love our neighbors with compassion. Most of us are only one tragedy away from being homeless ourselves.”
On April 29, Grace Episcopal opened its doors to Safe Shelter and provided overnight accommodations to five families and six adults who were homeless, says Safe Shelter director Christian Chambers. Among them were four working adults and a senior couple on disability, who stayed at Safe Shelter until an apartment became available.
The co-responder unit from the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Medical Services will focus on mental health calls, welfare checks and involuntary commitments.
“Build a large pickleball facility to take care of those picklers and free up tennis courts for their intended purpose.”
Adults may qualify if they earn up to 138% of the federal poverty limit, which is about $20,000 a year for a single person and about $34,000 for a family of three.
Buncombe County Public Libraries are not only a place for literature, film, research, story hours and free yoga classes. They also provides amenities like public bathrooms, heating, air conditioning and internet access, which are enjoyed by everyone but are lifelines for some patrons.
“The drop in tourism should not alarm anyone.”
Compass Point Village, a renovated Days Inn motel on Tunnel Road, will provide one-room apartments and supportive services to 85 people, many of them considered to be chronically homeless.
As part of an interlocal agreement, the City of Asheville will administer $875,000 in county funds, as well as an equal city match, to three area shelter providers for extra beds.
“Ask your representatives and senators for North Carolina free tick testing, an accurate tick count sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, education in the schools and public groups, and demand that Congress find a decent tick-borne test and cure.”
“We all know the priorities, and they are past needing to be dealt with.”
“Now we lament with our brother and sister homeless friends downtown that Asheville has outgrown its kindness, its friendliness and toleration over the years.”
“There should be zero homeless children because they do not have a choice.”
The city of Asheville has contracted a company specializing in crime scene, hoarding and suicide cleanup to clear former homeless encampments.
Monday is an important evening for the women living in the shelter at the Jubilee! Community. From 6-7:30 p.m., they break bread at the dining room table while they have “table talk.” It’s an opportunity to discuss the issues in their lives and collaborate on rules to make staying in their temporary home, the Jubilee […]
“Hopefully, Asheville can step up and set an example of how to show compassion and grace in helping those of ours most in need the way to a bearable life.”
Security, crime and justice took center stage during a Council of Independent Business Owners breakfast April 1. The Asheville-based trade group’s meeting served as a forum for the three Democratic Buncombe County district attorney candidates: current DA Todd Williams, prosecutor and former Assistant DA Doug Edwards and assistant public defender Courtney Booth. (Attorney Joe Bowman […]
Randy Tucker has a shadow, and her name is Star. With oversized ears and big paws that bear witness to her youth, the 3-year-old German shepherd mix was adopted three months ago from the Asheville Humane Society, which found her in mid-September, roaming as a stray in the Lees Creek area. Star now accompanies Tucker […]