Duke Energy matches funds for Buncombe County classroom projects

Press release from Duke Energy: 

On Giving Tuesday, Duke Energy is excited to help Buncombe County teachers turn classroom projects into reality.

In partnership with DonorsChoose.org, Duke Energy will provide $175,000 in matching grants for North Carolina teachers to foster literacy and bring engaging science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) projects to life in their classrooms.

Here is how it works: Teachers in Buncombe County can submit K-3 literacy and K-12 STEM project proposals to DonorsChoose.org, where the public can provide funding. Think of this as “educational crowdfunding.”

The Duke Energy Foundation will match, dollar-for-dollar up to $500 per project, all donations made toward these classroom projects at public schools in eligible counties.* The project donations will be matched on a first-come, first-serve basis until the $175,000 goal is reached.

Teachers can visit DonorsChoose.org/teachers to submit a project. Qualifying projects already posted to the site will automatically be eligible for Duke Energy’s matching funds on donations made on or after Nov. 28.

Parents and other members of the community can contribute by visiting DonorsChoose.org and searching for projects by school name, teacher name and/or the “North Carolina STEM and Literacy” project category. DonorsChoose.org will continually update this page with a listing of all projects eligible for the Duke Energy match.

*Eligible counties include:

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