Dupont Forest Festival seeking activity proposals for Sept. 28 event

Press release from Friends of DuPont Forest:

On National Public Lands Day, Saturday, September 28, 2024, Friends of DuPont Forest will host the 7th annual DuPont Forest Festival, an event celebrating the adventure, wildness and beauty of DuPont State Recreational Forest.

The DuPont Forest Festival is a free, family friendly event open to the public. It is hosted by Friends of DuPont Forest and sponsored by Henderson County Tourism Development Authority. In 2023 Friends of DuPont Forest we were thrilled to welcome 800 participants to the Festival.

“We are so excited about year seven of the Festival, and we are in the process of planning hands-on activities for kids and adults to learn more about the history and wildlife of DuPont while sharing information about how we can best conserve and protect the Forest we love,” says Sara Landry, executive director of Friends of DuPont Forest.

Friends of DuPont Forest is now accepting proposals for Forest Festival activities. The organization invites members of the community to share their outdoor knowledge and lead a demonstration, tour or lecture. To put your name in the hat sign up here. The deadline to submit your proposal is June 30, 2024.

Possible activities include:

Science experiments
Wildlife hike
Tree identification hike
Fly fishing demonstration
Multi-use trails education
History tour
Mountain bike tours

For questions about the proposal process and/or sponsorship opportunities, please email

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