Fall bulk leaf collection for City of Hendersonville residents begins Oct. 14

Press release from City of Hendersonville:

On October 14, 2024, the City of Hendersonville will begin its fall bulk leaf collection service for City residents. Bulk leaf collection will continue throughout the fall season and conclude on December 31.

During bulk leaf collection, City residents should pile loose leaves at the edge of the street along the curb, without placing the leaves on the sidewalk or roadway. Leaves should not be bagged by City of Hendersonville residents.

Residents can help prevent safety hazards by keeping leaf piles off the sidewalks. Obstructed sidewalks may force people to walk into the street and pose a danger for pedestrians and motorists. Keeping leaf piles out of the roadways and sidewalks also helps prevent debris from being washed into the storm drains which can cause flooding.

The bulk leaf collection process is separate from brush collection crews; therefore, residents will need to keep their brush and leaves in separate piles until bulk leaf collection has concluded at the end of the year. Leaf piles should be free of tree limbs or other objects that may damage collection equipment. Spring bulk leaf collection typically occurs during the month of March.

The public does not need to contact Public Works with leaf pick-up requests as this service is automatically provided to City residents. Leaf piles are picked up from homes every ten to fourteen days but, depending on the volume of leaves placed out for collection, the piles could be picked up sooner or later than that time frame.

Residents can track the leaf machines by accessing the City’s Track-a-Truck dashboard at www.hendersonvillenc.gov/trackatruck.

For questions about this service, please call the Public Works Department at (828) 697-3084.

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