Flood recovery public information meeting

Press release from Haywood County Emergency Services:

As a result of the flooding that occurred with Tropical Storm Fred, Haywood County residents and property owners may be eligible for assistance through a variety of programs designed to help flood survivors recover.

Because each program has different application and eligibility requirements, navigating your options for choosing the best program to apply to can be complicated. Sometimes knowing how and when to apply can be even trickier.

To simplify the process of selecting and applying to the programs that may be right for your needs, program administrators and representatives will be available on March 10, 2022, for a public information session hosted at Crestview Baptist Church in the Bethel community.

The information session is open to anyone affected by the Tropical Storm Fred flooding, including homeowners, rental property owners, commercial businesses, and individuals.

The following agencies and programs will be represented:

  • Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (for property elevation or acquisition)
  • NC Residential Recovery Program (for home repair,  home replacement, and private road and bridge repairs)
  • Haywood Soil & Water (for stream & farm repair)
  • NC Department of Agriculture (for farm assistance)
  • Haywood County Government
  • Haywood County Emergency Management
  • North Carolina Emergency Management

Flood Recovery Public Meeting
When: March 10, 2022, 6 – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Crestview Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
3258 Pisgah Dr, Canton, NC 28716

Program representatives will also be on hand after the meeting to provide resources about their programs, and to answer questions about the application process.

Please plan to attend this one-time information meeting to prepare you to apply for these valuable programs before the application windows close.

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