Free injury prevention and fall risk screenings offered to Asheville adults through Nov. 30

The Centers for Disease Control reports, “Every second an adult in the U.S. falls.” Additional CDC research shows falls are the leading cause of injury and death in people over age 65. To help you be proactive in taking preventive measures, Benchmark Physical Therapy is offering complimentary fall risk screenings through November 30.

The free assessments are available 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Benchmark clinic locations in Asheville as part of the company’s “Move to Live” campaign, an initiative encouraging adults to be mobile, active and independent while keeping them safe in their homes and communities. The free screenings involve answering a series of health questions followed by balance, stability, strength and agility tests.

“By determining whether an individual is at risk, we can recommend intervention strategies, such as physical therapy,” says Blake Hersch, PT, DPT, OCS, Partner and Clinic Director for Benchmark Physical Therapy in Asheville.

A study by the Moran Company found PT significantly contributes to injury prevention and PT users are 50% less likely to have injury-related hospitalizations and 50% less likely to have injury-related emergency room visits in the six months following their initial fall.

A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology reveals falling once doubles your chances of falling again and individuals who fall are often afraid of doing it again, which can lead to decreased activity levels. The CDC reports when someone is less active, they become weaker, which increases their chances of falling.

Dr. Hersch encourages Asheville adults to participate in these complimentary fall risk assessments, “so we can assess your risk factors and help you prevent future falls that can lead to devastating, life-changing events.” “People over 65 are not the only ones at risk of falling,” he adds. Research shows anyone with neurological disorders such as MS, Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson’s are often at high risk of falling and there are many patients with musculoskeletal conditions, like osteoporosis, who are at risk.”

To book a free assessment before November 30, log on to and select a location, time, and date.

Benchmark Physical Therapy is a member of the Upstream Rehabilitation family, the nation’s largest dedicated provider of out-patient physical therapy services with more than 1,200 U.S. locations.

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