Garren Creek community appreciates overwhelming support

From Garren Creek Fire District:

On the morning of September 27, Hurricane Helene unleashed historic winds and rainfall on the Garren Creek Community, resulting in significant flooding, landslides and loss of life.
Garren Creek Fire District Chief Wade Wright stated “we are a small community and we mourn the loss of our beloved neighbors and members of our fire department, including Tony Garrison, who lost his life while selflessly working to rescue others during Hurricane Helene, carrying out his commitment to serving our community in their time of need, as he had done valiantly throughout his career. Brandon Ruppe, Tony Garrison’s nephew, lost his life beside Tony while bravely assisting to save their neighbors when the mudslide hit. We lost 13 members of our community due to the storm, but I am thankful that as of Monday, October 7, all missing persons have been recovered.
We are grateful for the tremendous support our community received from near and far to assist with our search and rescue effort. Task Force 2 out of Buncombe County was the initial task force responding with search and rescue and continued to be an invaluable resource to our efforts throughout. We appreciate all the members of task forces from Alabama, Vermont, Harrisburg, Greensboro, and Fayetteville who came to assist. The medical staff, EMS crews, law enforcement, fire departments from across the state, and staff of the Office of State Fire Marshal have provided invaluable support. We want to thank the local machine operators who assisted our efforts to locate, save, and identify all missing persons. The 101st airborne assisted with reaching every single resident in the Garren Creek Fire District, at times twice a day, ensuring all residents had their needs met, including medical needs.
Many roads within our community remain impassable and we are asking that people limit their driving in our area until we can secure safe passage. Our NC Department of Transportation, Duke Energy and FEMA have been hard at work doing surveys, making repairs, helping get power on as soon as possible, and assisting our community. We have continued to remain in close coordination with our state and federal partners and we are hard at work.
We are meeting the critical needs of our community. Our fire station is still responding with adequate resources to provide protection for our district. We are moving towards our new normal, but it will take time. We have enough in-person help right now. Please keep your distance from the area so our workers can work.”
The Nesbitt Chapel in Fairview remains a safe haven for many local residents where they can access food, water, gas and internet all in one location. Despite nearly losing everything in the storm, local resident Josh Rodas has been helping coordinate efforts at the Chapel. Thankfully he, his wife and dog were able to survive the storm. Josh stated “this is a strong community that looks out for one another and this experience has strengthened our resolve. We are determined to rebuild.”
Bryan Craig, AC Reynolds Football Coach of thirty years and lifetime community member said “the outpouring of support has been tremendous. The love shown to our small community has been incredible. Please continue to lift up this community as this recovery will take a while. We have people without homes. Continued prayers and financial support are appreciated as we work to sustain our community.”
The Garren Creek Fire Department is asking those who would like to sustain the community to not bring in additional supplies at this time. Instead, we ask that people donate through Venmo to:  @ChestnutHill-BaptistChurch (confirmation code: 1372)
Donations can also be mailed via check to:
Garren Creek Fire Department
PO Box 237
Fairview, NC 28730
*Please do not deliver donations in-person.
Once our community is able to receive donations of supplies again, like infrared heaters to keep residents warm through the coming cold, they can deliver items between 9am to 5pm at:
Chestnut Hill Baptist Church
1657 Old Fort Rd,
Fairview, NC 28730
The Garren Creek Fire Department will no longer be accepting donations of supplies.
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